SCUL: Sci-Fi Fueled Bicycle Chopper Gang

We are a crew of specially trained starpilots, building and testing the limits of our experimental and augmented ships on late Saturnight missions, exploring the greater Boston and New Bedford starsystems and beyond. We are a highly organized battalion of funk.

We Make Spaceships Out of Bicycles

We have been engaging in classified and declassified patrol missions since Earth Year 1996. It's a lot of hard work, and danger is everywhere. Our fighter cockpits are hard, and our ships require lots of extra thrust and coordination than stock-civilian vessels. But it's sooooo much fun!

What is it like to be a SCUL pilot?

It is fun.

Our Motto:
Be a Superhero Version of Yourself

Take you and make it super-you. It's entirely up to each starpilot do decide what that means.

SCUL's Mission

  • To design, create, maintain, use and abuse organically-powered starships
  • To thoroughly enjoy the perils of space travel
  • To foster and nurture creativity and personal freedom with the camaraderie of fellow starpilots

What Does S.C.U.L. Stand For?

'SCUL Can't Use Acronyms'

Contact Protocol

What to do if you see SCUL in your local reality bubble:

  • If we are in friendly space, prepare for a hi-five or a friendly wave.
  • If we are in hostile space, clear the sky and let us do our job, flying these ships can be harder than it looks.
  • If we land on your planet, open hailing frequencies and establish communication. We come in peace!

Hailing Frequencies Open

Send us a Subspace Xmission.

SCUL enjoys hearing from folks.

Do you have some items you might like to donate?

Season Stats

Missions  0
Pilots  10
Knightings  0
Recruits  1
Ships  4

Latest SCUL Prime Mission: Stardate 2024.11.02


Destination  Closure

Status Success
Light Years  9.967
Iron Cog  1
Bronze Cog  3
Stone Cog  3

The final SCUL mission of 2024 was rated as a success as closure was reached and the mission objectives were achieved:
  • The mission was flown with all pilots returning to the hangar intact.
  • A party was had with many a crock pot.
  • Awards,...

Latest Starchaser Mission: Stardate 2024.11.16


Destination  Yum Yum Delicious

Status Success
Light Years  10

Cranksgiving New Bedford Saturday, November 16, 2024 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Co+Creative Center, 137 Union StreetNew Bedford, MA, 02740United States Cranksgiving New Bedford is a charity event that combines a bike ride, games, and a food drive to support people in need...

Star File: Mission Skywriter

SCUL trio