Status: Virtual


Red, White, and A Horrible Idea

Ziqqurat, Fuzz, and PQ's report

Possible mission names:
  • Trust me I can only be right
  • I think this is the right way

This mission, as we chose to accept it, consisted of a grand tour of the choicest parks, constrained by one iron rule - no turning to port.

We began near the Union Constellation, at the junction of Summer and Bow, in what Lordmcfuzz described as "one of his two favorite parks" - really just a glorified traffic median in the opinion of your humble reporter. Pastry Queen joined us shortly after, and amidst the blaze of the daystar, we were soon off, along Somerville Ave, bound to Arlington to reverse direction in the warren of streets north of the Alewife Asteroid Belt. However, a keen-eye caught a dead-end that we could turn around in (somewhere near Andy's Diner) and we were able to shave light-years off of our path. Set straight, we headed towards our first destination, Cambridge Common, near the Harvard Constellation.

We reached the small pirate vessel at the northern end of the Common, and set about planning our next leg, towards Danehy Park. We determined that we were lucky enough that Garden would take us all the way there, and we went forth, surprised at how non-horrible this mission was so far. The air was cool and breezy, and good spirits reigned.

Arriving at Danehy Park, we coasted along the pathways and then brought out the star charts again to figure out our next plan of attack. Our target now was Old Morse Playground, in the Cambridgeport Subsystem, and we determined that the best route would take us along Mass Ave. Ziqqurat made a miscalculation along the approach to the Harvard Constellation, but quick thinking by PQ and a detour looping around Charles St. saved our bacon and we were set on a path straight onto Mass Ave. Passing through the Central Constellation, we made yet another starboard into the semi-gridded maze of Cambridgeport. Making a near miss of Old Morse, we diverted to Magazine Beach on the Charles Asteroid Belt to regroup and recharge. Returning to the fray, we looped around several times through different parts of Cambridgeport before arriving at Old Morse. Out came the star charts again, and Lordmcfuzz used a strange camera device to capture a complete account of our surroundings.

Our next objective was manifold - we aimed first to reach Symphony Park, in the eastern regions of the Somerville System, and then reach Paul Revere Park, in the Charlestown Subsystem. A tall order, made taller by g-wells. But we had resolved to complete this mission, and by jove, we would.

Setting off, we made our way up Magazine, to Prospect, to Somerville Ave, and then used the distortion fields of the Brickbottom Subsystem to reorient our tiny fleet and point us in the right direction. We arrived at Symphony Park and admired the very considerate landscape architecture and accessible design.

From the park, we then embarked on the most strenuous portion of the mission so far, first diving into the treacherous spacelanes of the Sullivan Constellation and then the mighty negi g-wells of Bunker Hill St. Looping around the subsystem, shooting past the Monument, we eventually were able to penetrate the Tobin Barrier and cross into the Navy Yard, looping our way towards Paul Revere Park, dodging CBUs filled with bewonderment at the HARVs of Pastry Queen and Lordmcfuzz, where our mission concluded, after 20 light years of starboard turns. Following the success of the mission we were able to return triumphant, heroes, to the Union Constellation.
Pilot Ship Points Promotion
Lordmcfuzz The Traveler 594.021   Master Chief Petty Officer
Pastry Queen Princess Fun Police 269.206   Aviator
Ziqqurat Civilian Ship 163.841   Pilot
Pilots must be logged in to see the briefing.
Taskforce Pilot
Mission Leader Lordmcfuzz
Mission Reporter Ziqqurat

Mission Parameters

Mission LeaderLordmcfuzz
Mission Size 3 pilots
OriginYour fort
DestinationPaul Revere Park (on the Starboard Side)
Light Years20.000
G-Well Activity4.625
Technical Rating4.216