Perilous christens his first ship, LNO Fall

Wings of the SCUL Fleet

When a SCUL pilot christens their first ship, they must choose a three letter prefix to all the ships they build henceforth. The christening ritual can vary, but typically the builder presents their ship at the launch pad, says a few words about how it was build, thanks those who helped in the process, then pours their preferred liquid over the ship. Pilot usually yell "ON THE SEAT!", but the builder has the option to ignore the request. Once the builder completes their first successful mission on their new ship, they receive a builder medal.

Abbr. Wing Name Ships
USB Universal Service Battalion 45
AIL Art Invasion Lithuania 21
BRC Biokenetic Road Cruisers 18
OCD Ovulating Cycles of Doom 18
FTL Faster Than Lightspeed 17
SDV Super Dimensional Vehicle 13
DPX Dont Point X 11
ARC Abstract Revolver Consortium 10
PDP Peripatetic Donut Pursuer 10
DPW Department of Precarious Wheels 8
OPP Outer Province Patrol 8
CCT Cycles of Convoluted Topology 6
GAK Grand Architect of Kaos 6
JVH Jewish Vehicular Homicide 6
PST Please Stay Together 6
SID Seirra Indigo Delta 6
VMS Vaginal Massage Systems 6
XFD Xcessive Fungineering Division 6
ZZZ Virtual Wing 6
CAS Collision Attraction System 5
MXX Missing Xtra Xtremities 5
UGH Unholy Gliding Horses 5
ARP Agglomerated Recycled Parts 4
BEE Bituminous Earth Echelon 4
HMC Heavy Metal Csquadron 4
ISC Intergalactic Space Craft 4
PRZ Papa Romeo Zulu 4
SKP Sparky's Kinephiliac Patrol 4
SOL ship outta luck 4
TIF Totally Insane Fighters 4
TTL Tandem Terror League 4
YUM yesterdays unimaginative machines 4
FBJ Frankenbike Jones 3
FPS Fast Pedaling Spacecraft 3
GAC Guess and Check 3
GSR Guaranteed Sexy Results 3
GWB Gas Welded Bastards 3
IPP Intergalactic PP 3
NTY November Tango Yankee 3
OOF Opinionated Oofnik Fabricators 3
PVC Pascal's Vengeful Cadre 3
SAW Suburban Assault Wheels 3
SOS Sewer Official Ship 3
SPS Space Pirate Ship 3
TBD Twisted Bikes of Death 3
TLA Tango Lima Alpha 3
VID Various Incendiary Devices 3
42W Forty-Second Wing 2
666 Six Six Six 2
ACE Apres'Vie Courier Extraordinaire 2
ADD Alternate Dimension Designs 2
AMP Applied Mechanical Psychosis 2
BFH Big Friendly Hammer 2
CFT Cheese Factor Ten 2
DMC Dirty Monkey Choppers 2
DRB Dinosaur Robot Battalion 2
EIT Enigmatic Injury Trainers 2
ETA Eight Terrifying Arms 2
FMS Finest Mongol Steed 2
FOU Femme Offense Unit 2
GNT Guaranteed Nasty Telemetry 2
GOW Gods Of War 2
HMS Humble Magic Stead 2
ICI I'll Carry It 2
IFP I feel pretty 2
IFP Intergalactic Flying Pigeons 2
IPA Ill Public Access 2
LDS Lucky Ducky Systems 2
MMC Midnight Marauding Choppers 2
MOD Made on Drugs 2
MSG Many Sore Glutes 2
NAS Nosepicker AND Stogie 2
NBS Nasty Breaking Ships 2
NBT north beacon truemetal 2
NPC Non-Positive Curvature 2
NUT Nuthin' but Urban Tumbleweeds 2
OMG Omega Marsupial Godheads 2
PIG Perpetual Interstellar Grooves 2
PWN Pedal While Nervous 2
RAT Refuse And Trash 2
RBU Rogue Bicycle Unit 2
RFC Rolling Fun Cycles 2
RIP Rest In Peace 2
SCH Sierra Charlie Hotel 2
SFC Sierra Foxtrot Charlie 2
TMW Tango Mike Whisky 2
TWE Two Wheeled Equines 2
UAS Ugly As Sin 2
USS Unicorn Sierra Sierra 2
UST Unstable Tricycle 2
UTA Unstable Transport Anomaly 2
UUW Double U Wing 2
VJJ Va Jay Jay 2
VPL Visible Panty Line 2
XER Xenographic Endorphin Regulators 2
ZCV Zero Calculated Vulnerabilities 2
9W Herr Wagner, do you spell your name with a V? 1
ACW Aerospace Control and Warning 1
AHL Able Handsome Ladies 1
ALL Alisia Lord Louis 1
ANT ANT Wing 1
ASS Asteroidal Space Saucers 1
AWE Adorable Wanderlust-filled Entropy-navigators 1
BIG Bad In Gravity 1
BNK BliNK Wing 1
BOL Bikes of Love 1
BSD Bicycles of Social Disobedience 1
BVD Badass Vessels of Doom 1
CIL Cuts in Line 1
CMD Catch My Drift 1
DBD Dead By Dawn 1
DDG Delta Delta Golf 1
DKY Don't Know Yet 1
DMG Drink More Grog 1
EMP Enchanted Mucus Power 1
ERS Echo Romeo Sierra 1
FET Freakin' Eclectic Transport 1
FUR Furry Unbelievable Rides 1
FWD ForeWarD 1
GDL GrenDeL Wing 1
GFN Good For Nothing 1
GMB Gumby Wing 1
HHD Handsome Highwheels of Doom 1
HMB Hold My Beer 1
HOP House of Pain 1
IBS Irrationally Built Ship 1
IDE I Don t Even 1
IGT I'll Get There 1
IPW Intrepid Peach Wing 1
JCC Juliet Charlie Charlie 1
KIL Kryptonic Irrational Lollypooters 1
KTS Kilo Tango Sierra 1
KWH Kinetic Wired Hackjobs 1
LAB Lost Alien Biologicals 1
LFG LFG Gnomeregan 1
LLP Lochness Loser Pig 1
LNO Leaping No Onclusions 1
MA Machines Achales 1
MEW Meticulously Engineered Whimsy 1
MFA My Fat Ass 1
MFB Moxie Fueled Bombs 1
MID My Inane Destiny 1
MOK M0-Kchoppers 1
MRG Mine Rightful Granery 1
MRS Midnite Romero Society 1
MRW Mad Rabbit Wing 1
NCP Nihilist Choppers for Peace 1
NSC Non-stop Cabaret 1
OOE Old Ones Explorers 1
PAS Papa Alpha Sierra 1
PCP Petes Crappy Parts 1
PSD Papa Sierra Delta 1
PTC Pennsylvvannia Traffic Company 1
RAW Rabid Animal Wing 1
RIT Romeo Indigo Tango 1
RRW Rockin Rockin Wing 1
SAB Slash-and-Burn 1
SAF Sanguine Addiction Front 1
SAX Subtle Accessories of Excess 1
SBD Sierra Bravo Delta 1
SFN SCUL Freshwater Navy 1
SMM Space Monkey Machines 1
SPD Schwinn Peaks Division 1
SPL Splinter Wing 1
SSW Starscream Wing 1
SUV Statistically Unlikely Vehicles 1
THW Treehugger Wing 1
TLD Top Level Domain 1
TWC Trash Wagons of Chelsea 1
U01 Unimatrix 01 1
ULW Umlaut Wing 1
USV Unicorn Sierra Victor 1
UTM Universal Touring Machines 1
UWU Uh What Up 1
VAX Vanguard Axiom of Xenophobia 1
VFD Vicious Fanciful Devices 1
VMP Vampwing 1
WIZ Whimsical Instriments of Zen 1
XEM Xylene Enabled Manufacture 1
ZJX Zonal Journey eXpress 1
BBD Boisterous Blue Danube 0
BPD Bold Pertinacity Delivery 0
STR Star Rockets 0