Every ship in the SCUL fleet has been given a THO rating: which stands for thrust, handling, and overall difficulty.
The builder is responsible for determining the THO rating for their ship. Any pilot may request a THO re-evaluation of any ship's THO rating. The rating is based off a pilot of average height, mass, and abilities.
THO rating will determine the number of points a pilot will get on the mission, using the point system formula.
This indicates how hard the ship is to pedal. Zero is impossibly sluggish, ten is a spry cheetah.
This indicates how hard the ship is to handle. Zero is as stubborn as an overworked mule, ten is as nimble as a dancer.
This is the general difficulty of the ship. Zero is easy, ten is difficult. Sometimes this is largely detrermined by the discomfort level of the rock-hard banana seat.