Adam Savage visits SCUL Prime HQ
Honarary starpilot Unyawns looks on as RadMax gives Adam Savage a tour of SCUL Prime HQ as part of his makerspace walkthrough of the Artisan's Asylum

SCUL in the Media

“Imagined selves can be threatening to the status quo. They can also be tender to bring to light. And yet, I wonder, what if more of us activated our spiritual imaginations in this way? Went so far as adopt aspirational names and work to live up to them? Wouldn’t we co-create a different and better community — if not world — for those whose lives we touch?”

How We Gather (Part 4) — Becoming Our Aspirational Selves: On Being

SCUL is made up of an interesting group of folks who do interesting things, which can make for a good story. While SCUL isn't particularly keen to toot our own horns - unless we are literally tooting our own horns - we think it's a worthwhile endeavor to meet with talented writers, photographers, and videographers, so that they may share our stories with others.

When SCUL started riding around Allston in 1995, people didn't really know what to make of us. But once we had an article or two in the Boston Globe, our neighbors would share clippings with us and tell us how happy they were to have us in their neighborhood, which made us happy too.

Video: Artisan's Asylum Meet Your Maker: Pastry Queen

Somerville Media Center

June 2019

Art Bike Invasion in Telšiai Lithuania

Telsiu Zinios

June 2018

I Infiltrated a Mutant Hacker Bike Gang


September 2014

Audio: Fleet Admiral Skunk of SCUL

WERS Boston Radio

May 2013

Audio: NPR rides with SCUL

National Public Radio

August 2006

Bikes With a Twist

Boston Globe

August 2001

“You find ways, as you get older, to experience bits and pieces of those long-lost creative powers, and this may be the true meaning of SCUL—this weekly promise of a return to childhood, a nostalgic yearning for adolescent chaos stitched together by a healthy strand of cosmic order.”

I Infiltrated a Mutant Hacker Bike Gang—Motherboard

Learn more about what SCUL does outside of regular missions by visiting our outreach page.