Status: Success


Get Skooled

Mission Objectives

-pack a lunch or snax in a brown bag or lunchbox
-pose for a class picture in front of an elementary school
-take a recess break on a playground
-visit a (little free) library to drop off and pick up books

Mission Summary

This mission report is brought to you by the number 9 and the letter S for school and skool and scuul and scul.

It's fall again, which means school is back in session. This school year we took a leisurely, youngling-friendly day mission through the starpaths of the North Cambridge system to partake in all the best things about school days of yore -- recess, snack break, and visiting the library.

Early launch was delayed a bit to allow pilots who missed the bus time to trickle in. Kilo3 took on navigational duties and set out along the river wormhole toward the Watertown System, set to a relevant playlist extolling the virtues of science, legal documents, and the notorious "blood mobile". We flew by a lesson in progress teaching younglings how to ride civiships in an arena along the SoldiersField Starpath. Babymaggot Lulu impressed everyone with her confident poise, and had no trouble navigating all terrain and g-wells we threw at her. We stopped for recess and "lunch" at the Cambridge Universal Playground, where we found Hackworth, yt, BBZ, and BBL waiting for us. Vomit and Diva showed off their styling Star Wars and Peanuts lunchboxes, and there was a sharing and swapping of snax such as sourpatch kids, plum-tomato-sized sour apples, and chocolate animal crackers.

While folks ate and had some down time (but not quite nap time) in the shade of the day star, Lulu and BBZ romped on the playground with other kidz celebrating an orbital. We stopped at Peabody Elementary School for a class picture near a sculpture commemorating the North Cantabridgian bricklayers of yore. We next visited a nearby Little Free Library, where Lulu dropped off several books teaching basic counting she had outgrown, and all members of the Hack-T family tragically burned up.

After a quick and relatively uneventful jaunt down the Mass. Ave. starpath, we took shoreleave once more in Cambridge Common, where pilots took turns creating various configurations of hopscotch boards, including one made exclusively of irrational numbers such as e, π, and i. From there we made a beeline back to the fort, where Lulu was brutally hazed by Acehole before being awarded a Medal of Strength for being such a solid maggot through a relatively technical route, and Vomit received a Medal of Chic for her schoolgirl outfit.

Pilot Ship Points Promotion
AceHole D.B. Cooper 83.9262  
BBZ Civilian Ship 0  
Diva Incineraider 1147.71   Commander
DrClaw Shockwave 375.142  
hackworth Civilian Ship 22.444   Pilot
Kilo3 Swamp Thing 883.123   Vice Admiral
Lulu Civilian Ship 0  
Patent Pending GAP Kids 268.784   Lieutenant
Snow Deep Blue Dream 35.4252  
vomit Famine 384.171   Senior Chief Petty Officer
Wombat Summer 399.733  
yt Civilian Ship 22.444   Pilot
Pilots must be logged in to see the briefing.
Taskforce Pilot
Mission Leader Diva
Deck Officer Kilo3
Gate Attendant Diva
Navigator Kilo3
Tailgunner vomit
Emblem Designer Diva
Com-Sat 1 Diva
Tool Bag Patent Pending
Flat Bag Wombat
Medi Bag Snow
Wookiee Bag AceHole
Ambassador AceHole
Chalk Bag Kilo3
Still Cam Snow
Airlock DrClaw
Life Support 1 DrClaw
Mission Pinner Diva
Mission Debriefer Wombat
Mission Reporter Diva
Stellar Cartographer Kilo3
Cleaner Kilo3
Wingmate 01 AceHole

Mission Parameters

Mission LeaderDiva
Mission Size 12 pilots
OriginFort Antwerp
Light Years9.613
G-Well Activity1.182
Technical Rating2.036