Status: Success


Flight of the Navigators III

Mission Objectives

  • Find a chill spot for shore leave
  • Every pilot on the mission takes a turn navigating
  • Fly less than 15ly

Mission Summary

A total of 8 pilots attended with 2 being newbies. The first leg of the journey took the navigators in a orbital loop around the fort, eventually breaking free to land for a brief shore leave. There was a rear thruster issue on Sloth when part of a spacesuit got caught in it. After an effort of many pilots the issue was resolved and the pilots continued northward. One pilot had to depart prematurely due to "the sleepies", just as another pilot was expiriencing a fuel dump emergency so our return to the fort was speedy but ultimately simple and pleasant.
Pilot Ship Points Promotion
AceHole Pavement Princess 401.227   Petty Officer Second Class
BaneThunderwolf Trinity 1096.22   Vice Admiral
eXceSs Chutes & Ladders 780.726   Ensign
OhmniBiscuit Ghost Ship 0  
Patent Pending GAP Kids 537.31  
Rebelmaker Golden Eagle 0  
Tango Ghost Ship 585.788   Ensign
Truck Stop Doctor Love 176.358  
Pilots must be logged in to see the briefing.
Taskforce Pilot
Mission Leader BaneThunderwolf
Deck Officer eXceSs
Gate Attendant Tango
Tailgunner Tango
Emblem Designer BaneThunderwolf
Com-Sat 1 AceHole
Tool Bag eXceSs
Flat Bag eXceSs
Medi Bag Patent Pending
Wookiee Bag Tango
Ambassador Truck Stop
Chalk Bag OhmniBiscuit
Still Cam AceHole
Airlock Patent Pending
Life Support 1 BaneThunderwolf
Mission Pinner Truck Stop
Mission Debriefer eXceSs
Mission Reporter Truck Stop
Stellar Cartographer BaneThunderwolf
Cleaner Truck Stop
Wingmate 01 Patent Pending
Wingmate 02 BaneThunderwolf

Mission Parameters

Mission LeaderBaneThunderwolf
Mission Size 8 pilots
OriginFort Antwerp
DestinationEvery which way but Interuniversal.
Light Years13.724
G-Well Activity0.947
Technical Rating2.744