Status: Success


Troisième Folie (Interuniversal MTL)

Mission Objectives

  • Fly from USA universe to Montreal System, Canada Universe
  • Return to USA universe after a few days in the Canada universe
  • Rack up some interuniversal high fives!
  • Stay posi and have a good time with your fellow pilots :)

Mission Summary

We did it! We flew to the Montreal System in the Quebec Galaxy in the Canada UNIVERSE! We made our path through the Vermont and New York galaxies. Congratulations to all pilots who completed this mission!

The night before:
* Pilots convene at the fort to load the transport in a game of Spaceship Tetris

Day 1:
* early launch in transport convoy from Fort Antwerp
* assemble in Colchester, VT
* Centvrion gets a gnarly, near-blowout flat on its primary thruster coming down a posi g-well within the first couple light-years. Booted with 5 Canadian space bucks which made a surprisingly strong boot. On top of this Wombat suggested swapping primary and navi plasma casings which potentially saved the mission for 20% of the group, earning a medal of ingenuity.
* Cross border to bunk up in St.-Bernard

Day 2:
* Journey through the Quebecois countryside
* lunch in Candiac at the same restaurant we visited on Voulez Vous Woohoo Part Deux in 2016
* traverse causeway, race against some Françoises (French-speaking Freds) on the F1 track
* landfall in Montreal at the M Hostel in the Gay Village
* Dinner consists largely of burgers, beer, and poutine
* Claw has a way of finding ice cream shops that are just about to close

Day 3:
* Full day in Montreal, pilots scattered early to do their own thing
* Cosima, Wombat, and Claw visit Celine Dion's favorite bagelery, Wombat rides through a modest park fountain to Cosima's chagrin
* Mcfuzz goes off on his own to clock some serious early mileage
* Ziq tries out all the public transport
* Moonbeam wanders on foot
* We learn that all the spandex-clad Freds are in town for a race to be held the next day
* Afternoon mission to the top of Mont Royal, becomes "Lordmcfuzz's Cul-De-Sac cum Reverse Stairmaster"
* Dinner at Lordmcfuzz's favorite beerhall, Cosima gets a curious steaming concoction, Fuzz gets a green candy-flavored monstrosity
* Everyone too exhausted from the afternoon mission to do a proper night mission, we chill at the hostel instead after dinner, some do laundry

Day 4:
* Return journey through scenic Chambly and canal waterway wormholes
* With the sun setting and no food options within miles of the hotel, we stop at a pizza place far away from our destination for the night. Ziqqurat's bag gets coated in grease on the return journey.

Day 5:
* Things fall apart, literally: Claw catches space cooties, drops mp3p0 and loses groove
* Extra wire from gas station saves the day, restores groove on Cosima's droid. Ziq gets a medal of ingenuity for the adapter suggestion and where to get one, Cosima and Wombat awarded 10 bonus points each for lending the droid and compiling the original playlist, respectively
* Transport ferry across the Champlain Nebula
* Mcfuzz books it back to the finish line
* Claw really feeling the effects of space madness now, we decide to forgo dinner and make a beeline back to the home system

* Medals of Interuniversal for all pilots for making the journey to Montreal
* Medal of Strength to Moonbeam for braving the entire route with gusto on Centvrion
* Medals of Strength to all pilots who made it to the peak of Mont Royal without dismounting
* Medal of Ingenuity to Wombat for plasma-casing-swap suggestion when repairing Centvrion's near-blowout
* Medal of Ingenuity to Ziqqurat for idea of charge-port-to-headphone adapter cable to restore lost life support

Notes for next time:

- Bring a couple good tire boots! Thankfully Canadian space bucks make really good boots though :D

- Make sure any backup mp3p0s are actually able to connect to Radio Box 1 prior to launch to avoid 2 L.Y. of silence, heartache, and unnecessary g-well activity!
Pilot Ship Points Promotion
Cosima Hippogriff 1948.8   Commodore
DrClaw Skywarp 1681.51   Admiral, Fleet Ready
Lordmcfuzz The Traveler 10130.4   Admiral, Fleet Ready
Moonbeam Centvrion 1442.74   Petty Officer Second Class
Wombat Catastrophe 4415.65   Admiral
Ziqqurat Traffic Control Device 9216.38   Vice Admiral
Pilots must be logged in to see the briefing.
Taskforce Pilot
Mission Leader DrClaw
Deck Officer DrClaw
Gate Attendant Cosima
Navigator Lordmcfuzz
Tailgunner Ziqqurat
Emblem Designer DrClaw
Com-Sat 1 Cosima
Tool Bag Cosima
Flat Bag DrClaw
Medi Bag Cosima
Wookiee Bag DrClaw
Ambassador Moonbeam
Chalk Bag Cosima
Still Cam Cosima
Airlock DrClaw
Life Support 1 DrClaw
Mission Pinner DrClaw
Mission Debriefer Wombat
Mission Reporter Ziqqurat
Stellar Cartographer Lordmcfuzz
Cleaner Moonbeam

Mission Parameters

Mission LeaderDrClaw
Mission Size 6 pilots
OriginFort Antwerp
DestinationSpace Madness
Light Years235.880
G-Well Activity3.165
Technical Rating2.146