Status: Success


Where The Wind Blows

Mission Objectives

the plan is: no plan
ride, maybe derby, maybe grab snax

Mission Summary

Sixteen pilots reported for duty. One maggot, who rode with us awhile back but not this year, known as "The Bandit". Two maiden voyages. The first was USB SpookyPirate, a Murray FireCat which will be painted from grips to tires in glow-in-the-dark paint. The second is USB StreetSweeper, a chopped out Schwinn trike capable of massive cargo hauling. Our mission parameters: to not have an objective.
It didn't take long to find the limitations of our young ships. About half a light year into the journey the forks on USB StreetSweeper folded like Scooby Doo at a poker game. Vice Admiral Gropo returned to Fort Berkeley to substitute the ship. A quick game of dogfight derby kept us busy. Diva out maneuvered USB Chrome Pony by doing a quick U-turn near a wall, forcing Generator and Sprout to dab, giving Diva her second dogfight derby victory. This is now known as the Diva Maneuver.
We pressed onward to One Kendall Square, and the parking garage, then to the boardwalk. We learned that Port-a-potties can be unlocked with a flathead screwdriver. After defueling we went off to the North End for a high profile pass. We were warmly received by the natives. Fanueil Hall was not as friendly. Civis were belligerent and tried to board our ships. Generator had to punch someone in self defense. We stopped at City Hall to gather our wits. After realizing it was bar closing time (aka drunk o' clock), we decided to wait out the storm there. Another derby ensued. Skunk won this one.
Pilot Ship Points Promotion
Diva WhiteTrash 321.22   Commodore
El Bandito Pawn Sacrifice 68.0642   Aviator
Gropo Star Hustler 150.399   Commodore
Jenerator Chrome Pony (Bombardier) 220.418   Senior Chief Petty Officer
MegaSeth Infectious Groove 220.794   Chief Petty Officer
Mucus Gorm Claiomh 279.151   Commander
Natty Gann Spooky Pirate 224.319   Lieutenant Commander
NoWay Annihilation 284.749   Commodore
RockStar Pride 232.548   Petty Officer Third Class
Scum Miss Teen USA 52.0195   Chief Petty Officer
Skunk Catastrophe 622.417  
Smash Mjollnir 268.032  
Sparky Will Stutley 237.24   Commander
Sprout Chrome Pony 227.728   Petty Officer Third Class
vomit Circus Peanut 155.367  
WalTor War 154.37  
Pilots must be logged in to see the briefing.
Taskforce Pilot
Mission Leader Skunk
Life Support 1 Skunk
Mission Debriefer Diva
Mission Reporter Diva

Mission Parameters

Mission LeaderSkunk
Mission Size 16 pilots
OriginFort Berkeley
Destinationlike we have a plan
Light Years15.300
G-Well Activity2.004
Technical Rating3.999