Status: Success


Christmas In July

Mission Objectives

  • Enjoy seasonal treats (please bring things to share)
  • Yankee swap (must be a re-gift or homemade item)
  • Listen to TdT groove
  • Compose a fleet Xmas carol
  • Decorate ships AND pilots seasonally
  • Kickin' Claus must come for the ride
  • Find a spot to play Kickin' Claus

    Mission Summary

    Twas July before Christmas, and all through the fort
    Many pilot were stirring, with time growing short
    To prepare for their mission to find Christmas Cheer
    In the middle of summer-- why wait a full year?

    The leader, PQ, told them "Let it be known
    That if even one ship on this eve should be flown
    Without baubles or tinsel, then the missions a failure!"
    So DC wrapped up Skywarp from stem to derailleur.

    And while each pilot scurried, adorning their ship,
    Threespeed was trimming a tree for the trip!
    Soon everyone was prepared to depart,
    Their plasma casings full, as well as their hearts.

    So with Shadowcat navi and Punchy the tail--
    And everyone wondering what the night would entail--
    PQ gave the order, so up! up! and away!
    The fleet flew out merrily from the launchbay!

    On Swamp Thing and Strangelove, Cloudbuster and Trinity,
    Compliance, Iridium, Pestilence, Chastity--
    The pilots brought merriment, truly heartfelt
    To the Food as they flew to the Charles asteroid belt.

    Once they arrived at their esplanade spot
    They piled up presents for a great yankee swap,
    Then they geared up for games: first they played "Kick the Claus"
    And each punt of ol' Santa was met with applause.

    Then a mischievous twinkle in Pastry Queen's eye,
    The kind that said something intriguing was nigh--
    Then suddenly snow! A great pile of snow!
    So the next game was "Snowball fight-- ready, set, go!"

    After games they sang carols and ate Christmas treats,
    And then there was just one task left to complete:
    So everyone gathered around for a knighting
    Three cheers, Cotton Candy! It was very exciting.

    The shore leave was over, so all saddled up
    For more cheery flying and more crushing cups.
    Through the long winding backstreets of Old Cambridgeport
    They flew up and down, and then back to the fort.

    Thus a rousing success was this holiday flight:
    Merry Christmas to all, this July Saturnight!
    Pilot Ship Points Promotion
    BaneThunderwolf Bieber Fever 338.754  
    Cotton Candy Chastity 358.596   Aviator
    couscous Glittergasm 575.439   Petty Officer First Class
    Dead Bride Dr. Moreau 329.578  
    dogi Freedom 218.114  
    DrClaw Skywarp 398.024  
    DreadFlint Chutes & Ladders 340.472   Aviator First Class
    eXceSs Cloudbuster 299.682   Lieutenant Commander
    Leotard Trinity 433.264   Captain
    Lordmcfuzz Onatop 640.625   Vice Admiral
    MsMoon Strangelove (Bombardier) 92.1903   Pilot
    Pastry Queen Sugar Pusher 825.253   Commander
    perilous Iridium 364.103   Petty Officer Second Class
    Punchy Compliance 518.53  
    Shadowcat Mousetrap 699.784   Commander
    Shepherd Pestilence 209.304   Aviator First Class
    Threespeed Strangelove 152.251  
    Wombat Swamp Thing 314.286   Lieutenant
    Pilots must be logged in to see the briefing.
    Taskforce Pilot
    Mission Leader Pastry Queen
    Deck Officer couscous
    Gate Attendant Lordmcfuzz
    Navigator Shadowcat
    Tailgunner Punchy
    Com-Sat 1 DreadFlint
    Tool Bag Pastry Queen
    Flat Bag Threespeed
    Medi Bag Dead Bride
    Wookiee Bag Leotard
    Ambassador couscous
    Chalk Bag perilous
    Still Cam DrClaw
    Airlock Leotard
    Recycler perilous
    Life Support 1 eXceSs
    Life Support 2 Leotard
    Life Support 3 couscous
    Damage Control couscous
    Minister of Zoobs DrClaw
    Mission Pinner Shadowcat
    Mission Debriefer Wombat
    Mission Reporter Punchy
    Stellar Cartographer Shadowcat
    Cleaner Shadowcat
    Compressor Wrangler perilous
    Filmer Lordmcfuzz

    Mission Parameters

    Mission LeaderPastry Queen
    Mission Size 18 pilots
    OriginFort Tyler
    DestinationChristmas Cheer
    Light Years12.364
    G-Well Activity1.103
    Technical Rating1.912