Status: Success
Wake Up The Dead
Mission Objectives
arrive at Jamaica Plain System in time For Wake up the Earth festival
Successfully participate in the parade
Mission Summary
This mission was a day mission to the Jamaica Plain System to attend the Wake up the Earth Festival and ride in the parade. The procession was very slow, but a good time was had nonetheless. Scum became the first chopper pilot ever to get a hi-five from a stormtrooper.
There were unusually large numbers of hi-fives all around, due to the fact that the CBU's lining the streets could not run away and escape the power of a SCUL hi-five. Upon reaching the field, SCUL dropped anchor and found food molecules. Pilots interacted with various civilians and their androids, and Rear Admiral Skunk transported a great many of the youngest C.B.U's on the back of BRC Water. The Fleet then returned to Fort Francis to rest up for the evening mission (See Operation Nowhere Fast).