Status: Virtual
On stardate 0209072 SCUL completed Operation Hangin'Tough. After several months of quarantone and no end in sight for when we can ride as a whole gang together, we followed up this year with Operation Hangin'Tougher.
Pilots needed to complete 3 of the following mission objectives:
Dress tough and show off your colors
Practice your American handball skills by hitting a racquetball with your bare hands against a wall for 5 minutes.
Use your sharpie skills to give yourself a temporary tattoo
Chalk your tag on some pavement
Navigate up some serious negi g-well
Complete 20 pushups
Diva Report
I started by giving myself a tattoo and donning my colors. I wanted to take out CCT SilverKing, which has been docked far too long at the fort. This meant I needed to fix a plasma casing failure on CCT SilverKing. This went relatively smoothly but not without getting my hands greased up. However, that seemed appropriate for the ride. I finished my preflight and took out CCT Silverking to my test flight arena. While there I worked on my chalk game by writing down my tag. I also wrote a Black Lives Matter message where transports will be congregating for a Town Meeting in the Maynard System.
With my test flight successful I then attempted to go up some negi g-well known by Waltor as "The Twin Towers of Pain" and known locally as PlanetElmwood and PlanetFairfield. But without gears, I did not make it up very far without needing to abort and spacewalk. As punishment for my weakness when I returned to base, I completed my 20 push ups. LY traveled: (about 1.5)
Lordmcfuzz's report
I dressed up in the toughest clothing I know, spandex. I wore my tux spandex on my HARV and met up with Friend to do an aimless ride. I ran late in the morning so I did not do my pushups and finger tattoos until after the ride. I actually don't own a ball or chalk :( but I did trick my friend into riding up half a big negi-gwell, they refused the second half. I flew 43 LYs!