Status: Success


Nebula Hunt

The temperatures rose beyond tolerable measures, and SCUL needed relief from the heat. Emergency actions were taken. We gathered up every ounce of our remaining energy and set course for the fountain a light year down the street.

Spirits were high until we realized the fountain had been shut off due to drought conditions. We returned to base to for plan B.
Pilot Ship Points Promotion
Crack Chrome Pony 129.542   Captain
Dead By Dawn Ez Raider 40.541  
NoWay Trez Bonz 81.0074   Rear Admiral, Lower Half
Pit Girl Chrome Pony (Bombardier) 115.453   Petty Officer Third Class
Skunk Centvrion 60.7397   Admiral, Fleet Ready
Pilots must be logged in to see the briefing.
Taskforce Pilot

Mission Parameters

Mission Size 5 pilots
OriginFort Francis
DestinationRelief From the Heat
Light Years8.400
G-Well Activity3.001
Technical Rating1.396