Status: Success


Party At Franks

Mission Objectives

distress call

Mission Summary

---a number of pilots are missing from this report!!---

The fleet headed out to respond to a distress call in the Cambridge System. The hosts provided fine food (fruit, beer, cheese and cookie molecules) as well as tunes to groove to.

Following the the distress call, Skunk thought of places for the fleet to derby. The fleet then headed to an arena near Luna DunkinDonuts. Moneyshot tried riding a chopped chariot provided by Spatula And Monkeybomb.
Pilot Ship Points Promotion
Diva WhiteTrash 0  
MoneyShot Silence 0  
Monkey Bomb Pestilence 0  
Skunk Catastrophe 250   Rear Admiral, Lower Half
WalTor Singularity 0  
Pilots must be logged in to see the briefing.
Taskforce Pilot
Mission Leader Skunk
Life Support 1 Skunk
Mission Reporter Diva

Mission Parameters

Mission LeaderSkunk
Mission Size 5 pilots
OriginFort Berkeley
DestinationGood food and music
Light Years0.000
G-Well Activity0.000
Technical Rating0.000