Status: Success


Omegamission Hallowheels

A lego man. A batman. A Dr. Who-mobile. A gnome. A dashing gentleman.
A Gorey-esqe Murderess. A furry animal. A Tony Stark. A Han Solo. A
Q-tip. A Sailor. A SadieBlake with fishnets. And others, too numerous
to list but all pure fabulousness in their own special ways. These
random characters dressed up as SCUL this Hallowheels, and we quite
convincingly pulled it off.

So, there were like, a lot of pilots and guests and stuff… and we had
two parties to go to, and other surprises along the way… and riding to
do! So we were off! Plasmonster led the fleet on a
loopdey-doopdey-style route through our home system… and everywhere we
went, the civilians were decked out in creative style. The funk was
grooving and the high-fives were plentiful. A couple circuits through
the Porter and Davis systems, and then the fleet had some business to
attend to. Hey, remember climbing up that hill to Fort Summer the way
we used to do all the time? No? Well, guess what.. we're doing it
again! But this time there are cupcakes at the top! (and a Shakes!)
ZyGoat brought fancy homemade SCUL cupcakes out for everyone as her
trials, and after chowing down, we all witnessed as MegaSeth performed
her knighting ceremony. Welcome ZyGoat! And feel free to keep the
sweet treats coming, even though you're a pilot now and you aren't
being forced to impress us anymore. (Except, maybe something savory
for Axeman because he doesn't like sweet things.) Anyway, moving on…

And off we were again to meet up with the Artisan's Asylum distress
call in the Charlestown system. But this proved a challenge as an evil
sorcerer had apparently put a cloaking device over the entire distress
call. Our search efforts yielded other treasures though, namely a
gigantic mechanical land beast with the keys still in the ignition.
But we let the sleeping giant lie and moved on, back through some
tricky navigation, and finally found that the cloaking device had been
removed. Although, that's because the distress call was over. Curse
you, evil sorcerer! But we hung out for a little while with the
distress call survivors before moving on to our second distress call…
and no sorcerer could keep us from reaching this one, because we had
knowledge on our side! (as in, we knew where this one was located.. at
Pecan's Fort!)

So we arrived at Fort Sogo and were immediately greeted by the many
friendly pilots already in attendance. Pecan welcomed us in and was
quite the hostess. And here we had another important point of
business.. DrClaw, having successfully rebuilt WookieeBag in a most
SCUL-like fashion, was knighted by h4ckw0r+h. Welcome DrClaw! (insert
wookiee affirmative noise here.)

Fully rejuvenated after such a pleasant distress call, the fleet
headed out again, eager to ride, ride, ride! And so we did…we took a
nicely paced loop through the porter, harvard and central
with the tunes blaring and morale high. And finally we headed back to
base, with perma-grins on our faces… altogether a very fun Hallowheels
ride. And so goes another season of SCUL, a challenging season but a
fun one as well, ending on a very high note, with a
super-gigantic-group hug for our Fleet Admiral. Huzzah!

Pilot Ship Points Promotion
AceHole Temerity 361.3  
Asher Civilian Ship 38.38   Pilot
Bendy Dirty Dino 386.08  
Civitron Annihilation 350.629   Senior Chief Petty Officer
DeathTrap ATM Machine 421.656  
Diva Toxic Waste 284.724   Rear Admiral, Upper Half
DrClaw Rhinoceros 678.232   Senior Chief Petty Officer
hackworth Civilian Ship 263.38  
Hades AssEnd 366.177   Petty Officer Second Class
Joyride Saturday Night Special 156.284  
Keebler Curb Burner 0  
Leotard Trinity 446.686  
MegaSeth Night Fever 264.95   Rear Admiral, Upper Half
moose Loki Ducker 337.761   Commodore
MsMoon Strangelove (Bombardier) 143.194   Lieutenant Commander
Plasmonster Delirium 537.856   Admiral
Rex Hazard Papi Bombaloocious 191.9   Ensign
Sadie Blake Compliance 790.267   Vice Admiral
Skunk Cloudbuster 888.163  
Sprocket Doctor Love 0  
Threespeed Strangelove 239.873  
Treekiller chlorophyll 444.08  
Vesper Darkendank 270.692   Commander
vomit Famine 633.036  
Wombat Vertigo 610.677   Lieutenant Commander
yt Secret Asian SCULly 218.541  
Zeus Fire 300.794   Petty Officer Second Class
ZyGoat Vindaloo 191.9   Aviator First Class
Pilots must be logged in to see the briefing.
Taskforce Pilot
Mission Leader Skunk
Deck Officer Diva
MRC Officer Skunk
Navigator Plasmonster
Tailgunner Sadie Blake
Com-Sat 1 AceHole
Tool Bag Treekiller
Flat Bag Civitron
Medi Bag Threespeed
Wookiee Bag DrClaw
Ambassador Wombat
Still Cam vomit
Airlock Bendy
Life Support 1 Treekiller
Life Support 2 Threespeed
Damage Control Leotard
Minister of Zoobs DrClaw
Mission Debriefer vomit
Mission Reporter vomit
Beer Mule Sadie Blake
Beer Wrangler Vesper
Compressor Wrangler Zeus
Food Wrangler hackworth
Stillcam Downloader vomit

Mission Parameters

Mission LeaderSkunk
Mission Size 28 pilots
OriginFort Joy
Destinationghoulish distress calls
Light Years16.940
G-Well Activity2.090
Technical Rating2.410