Status: Success
The Quickenin'
Mission Objectives
stay clear of cones and obstacles
go for victory
Mission Summary
The fleet had been waiting for this night. They worked on their mean faces, the glare, the intimidation, bulldog kicks. Tonight marked the quickening. The mission was simple: to derby. One new ship was christened by Waltor which he dubbed the CCT TrackTor. Also at the launch pad were promotions: Diva was made an admiral.
The fleet then headed to battle. The contenders consisted of fierce competition: Skunk who rides the heaviest ship in the fleet, NoWay who has been the favorite this season, Moneyshot who has a kick as evil as his baby's eyes, Sparky who has no fear of injury, Maddog--an aggressive rider on the derby circuit; Moose who can defend himself with or without an alliance; ribbon-snapping ViciousSquirrel, RevD--a veteran chopper rider and skilled ribbon grabber and several newcombers to the derby arena who always add that element of surprise. It was anyone's game.
Some ship swapping took place early on in the ride. NoWay had heavy damage to Annhilation when he sheared the chainring stay off of the crank. Using zip ties to hold the chainring in place, Vicious Squirrel kindly piloted it back to his fort in exchange for rabies. TrezBonz had a flat but Vomit quickly repaired the matter and the fleet was off to battle.
The fleet derbied in five locations passing through the Cambridge Common, Allston System by western planet, undisclosed secret backbay arena, Christian Science Nebula, cyclorama in the South End and the Government Center Constellation. Each location had interesting passageways and circles for technical and artistic abilities. Derbies were modified to include assassins, teams, land mines and other pilot's ships. Maddog, Noway, Moneyshot, Flipper and Skunk were victorious. ViciousSquirrel and RevD had some rather impressive ribbon grabs.
Tired, the fleet returned to base to brag about their battles.