Status: Success


Earth Girls are Easy

SCUL is PROUD to be whatever the heck it is, and totally digs other
folks gettin' their PRIDE on too. This Saturnight being an official
time of great PRIDE among certain elements of our galaxy, SCUL
committed itself to join the celebratin' in style.

Mission began with familiar patrolling territory, and
we piloted the Stations of the T, covering the Davis, Porter, and
Harvard constellations to deliver funk and funkadelia to our proud
population. On our way into Central we were hailed by a StormTrooper,
who was wary at first of our being part of some other proud flight
organization, but who was dazzled by Skunk's Cloak of Spanglitude and
agreed that it was far, far too fabulous to be taken off.

Navimagator Bendy then led us over the Charles Asteroid Belt (taking
the Smoot Run in fewer parsecs than many a boastful pilot). We headed
for Constellation South, estimated to be the most Prideful part of our
nearby systems. Many high-fives were exchanged and cups crushed. No
civilians were crushed, despite the number who appeared to be of
unusually high molecular weight, attesting to the Valor of this
mission's crew.

Several black holes were circumnavigated, and eventual shore leave was
declared near the banks of the Heavy Nebula. Personal Orbital
Rotating Shields were deployed, and another proud pilot joined up with
our patrolling band.

Radiation continued to increase slowly throughout the mission,
including technological as well as natural contributions to this
interesting space phenomenon. Remember, pilots, maggots, civilians,

Mission ended with more crew members than it began with, including not
only lamers who showed up late but newly hatched-and-hazed maggots.
And if that doesn't make a mission great, then we're gonna have to get
us more unicorns and some doughnuts.

Pilot Ship Points Promotion
Bendy Dirty Dino 759.12   Rear Admiral, Upper Half
Brick Compliance 447.114   Petty Officer First Class
Dozer Annihilation 653.645   Master Chief Petty Officer
Keebler Ooh La La 0   Pilot
Killgore Ez Raider 0   Pilot
Leotard Lazarus -385.12  
pywaket Civilian Ship 122.58   Vice Admiral
Rex Hazard Pioneer 0   Pilot
Self Destruct Delirium 462.967  
Skunk Cloudbuster 786.16  
Threespeed Iron Butterfly 558.94  
Treekiller chlorophyll 662.12   Rear Admiral, Upper Half
yt Secret Asian SCULly 1160.32   Admiral
ZombiePhD Yellow Submarine 498.147   Lieutenant Junior Grade
Pilots must be logged in to see the briefing.
Taskforce Pilot
Mission Leader Skunk
Deck Officer Dozer
Gate Attendant Leotard
MRC Officer yt
Navigator Bendy
Tailgunner Treekiller
Com-Sat 1 Threespeed
Tool Bag Rex Hazard
Flat Bag Self Destruct
Medi Bag Treekiller
Wookiee Bag Killgore
Ambassador Brick
Still Cam Skunk
Life Support 1 Leotard
Damage Control Dozer
Mission Reporter ZombiePhD
Beer Mule Killgore
Beer Wrangler Killgore
Food Wrangler yt
Sentry Bendy

Mission Parameters

Mission LeaderSkunk
Mission Size 14 pilots
OriginFort Bartlett
Light Years18.680
G-Well Activity2.710
Technical Rating4.510