Status: Success
Space Camp: The Revenge
Camping in Spaaaaace! Starchasers and SCUL Prime unite!
Loaded up transports and drove to fort Jonathan.
Unloaded the transports, and loaded up other transports.
Civirron transported our gear to camp site,
Other pilots figure out what they will be sleeping in.
Pilots mount and start off
Went the wrong way
Mad owl burns up
It gets dark
G wells,
Massive target, lordmcfuzz and leotard get steering damper, had a hard time finding the blue ribbon.
Sling shot maneuver
Set up camp in dark
Mad owl and Everest learn how to start a fire from leotard
Lordmcfuzz and dogi use sticks to cook their dinner,
Excess moves the fire into the grill
Lordmcfuzz attempts to make cookies on a stick, he ended up with turd cookie, he said it was delicious. Leotard made a more appetizing cookie in one of get pans.
Pilots went swimming.
We lost dogi(he went swimming), lordmcfuzz and leotard go walking in search, leotard found dogi's tracks and they led back to the camp site.
A passing drunk stumbled twenty feet and knocked over money penny
Pilots slept well.
Transport picked up or gear,
Pilots went swimming,
The sky radiated on us.
Sling shot maneuver failed on the way back, leotard made a spectacular ejection in the play gwell side. No medical kit required.
Everything looked different in the day star.
Skunk realized that lordmcfuzz was double badging.
Dogi was ejected during worm hole traversing, medibag was needed.
Mission success.
Injury to Dogi.
Strength and Patronage to Truth Seeker.