Status: Success
Mission Objectives
Chop 100 light years
Mission Summary
This mission was the third chopper century attempted by SCUL, and as far as we know the third chopper century ever. Twelve pilots stepped forward to accept the challenge. We launched at 6:31pm Saturday in good spirits.
Two HARVs left hangar B at Fort Francis. USB SkyKing was piloted by Gossimar, a fairly new pilot. He had just gotten relieved of his shift duty as Campus Convenience a ten hour shift. Zeus choose BRC Fire, a tall bike with a big compressor tank to hold a massive class one sonic disruptor.
Hades chose BRC AssEnd, a ship less than 5% of the pilots in SCUL are able to fly. The slightest turn of the bars will cause the ship to dive-bomb into itself, causing the pilot to crash.
This mission took 19 hours to complete. Once the sun rose the planet's temperature skyrocketed to a blistering 90 degrees. It is to date the most brutal mission SCUL has ever endured.