Status: Success
Mission Objectives
dress you or your ship in costume
Mission Summary
This was an especially chilly night but that did not deter the fleet from celebrating halloween 2002. Ships were decorated as dragons and rockets and peace. Pilots were in full regalia as luke skywalker, hospital patients, dead peaople, Pancho, a maddog, hot pepper, bunny, the tick. The fleet headed through Boston and Cambridge systems hitting as many constellations as possible…South end and BackBay, chinatown systems were also targeted. Stops took place for hot chocolate molecules at a few lunas in the area. Unfortunately the molecule supplier failed to meet the needs of the fleet. We survived solely on sugar.
Moneyshot experienced a pedal failure as we entered the south end system and had to ride the rest of the evening sans one pedal.
Crowds were cheered and offered high fives and an ST gave us a three siren salute.
To keep warm, the pilots took part in much boogeying particularly in the harvard constellation.
Upon reaching the landing two civilians greeted us and offered their gratitude for our weekly rides.