Status: Success
NamelessDay: Local Defense System
Mission Objectives
keep it local
consume beer molecules
Mission Summary
Secret Code, see if you can decipher.
Ghdyem ki oewe kdlakdflk pdghft thusd sdos od Sike d "cosjeo on bikes". And jwjfnhgf, I fje "je are cosjeo on bikes". Henn "and, fuders". Klerio sd kerkr sjfoijer. Lsdj Grande asa sk "lops thw maggot". El ghriu e rlkfo sdhhj qii! Of Footlosee 67 fjnjfn. Gross! 3spe msy thidk we are insdle. Matgotts! Ho, wekk. Med mission USB doctor Love! Flshe, or USB "doctor Feelgood Restart Later". No mechaniclles. Bke ugly crash ohno on Blink tall ohnoono. Lo it's a tallkbyke woodie. So hti the len of th emonth, ansd we wondfe whut is going to the -z misslonm. Or "-x" misslonm. Flammunction. Derby in the shtyrs, prison solo no derby, Kaibuush. Winner! H20 no go. So cupper and hi fiver no fire, the Onatholos ni leeder. Nocivarot partsry nio workyfire huggertree. Long lon g lo ng. Sop day moon hour. Ogfrn the Skunk underbassnm and poorch. Trach is Skunk skunk poer.