Status: Virtual



On stardate 0209072 SCUL completed Operation Hangin'Tough. After several months of quarantone and no end in sight for when we can ride as a whole gang together, we followed up this year with Operation Hangin'Tougher.

Pilots needed to complete 3 of the following mission objectives:

Dress tough and show off your colors
Practice your American handball skills by hitting a racquetball with your bare hands against a wall for 5 minutes.
Use your sharpie skills to give yourself a temporary tattoo
Chalk your tag on some pavement
Navigate up some serious negi g-well
Complete 20 pushups

Diva Report

I started by giving myself a tattoo and donning my colors. I wanted to take out CCT SilverKing, which has been docked far too long at the fort. This meant I needed to fix a plasma casing failure on CCT SilverKing. This went relatively smoothly but not without getting my hands greased up. However, that seemed appropriate for the ride. I finished my preflight and took out CCT Silverking to my test flight arena. While there I worked on my chalk game by writing down my tag. I also wrote a Black Lives Matter message where transports will be congregating for a Town Meeting in the Maynard System.
With my test flight successful I then attempted to go up some negi g-well known by Waltor as "The Twin Towers of Pain" and known locally as PlanetElmwood and PlanetFairfield. But without gears, I did not make it up very far without needing to abort and spacewalk. As punishment for my weakness when I returned to base, I completed my 20 push ups. LY traveled: (about 1.5)

Lordmcfuzz's report

I dressed up in the toughest clothing I know, spandex. I wore my tux spandex on my HARV and met up with Friend to do an aimless ride. I ran late in the morning so I did not do my pushups and finger tattoos until after the ride. I actually don't own a ball or chalk :( but I did trick my friend into riding up half a big negi-gwell, they refused the second half. I flew 43 LYs!
Pilot Ship Points Promotion
Diva Silver King 200   Petty Officer Second Class
Lordmcfuzz The Traveler 187   Petty Officer First Class
Pilots must be logged in to see the briefing.
Taskforce Pilot
Mission Leader Diva

Mission Parameters

Mission LeaderDiva
Mission Size 2 pilots
Light Years0.000
G-Well Activity0.000
Technical Rating0.000