Status: Success
Operation ResCUTE Mission
What's a journey without an ending? Unfulfilled, that's what.
And the Starchasers would not go unsatisfied into that frigid season they call Weentur.
Our Omega Mission was well planned, well (wo)manned, and firebrand up until the point a pilot dropped out. And another. We were hemorraging funk left and right!
And while we couldn't save em all, we tried anyway and fired off into the night to retrieve Turbo Honey from the depths of solitude. There were awards to disperse and dagnabit we weren't holding them for a day longer.
Sonic disrupting Lazer boosting tail gunning fleet leading fun was had by all on this frosty foray. Upon reaching the Hive of Honey, we left our mark with moves, with words, with love. A bit of steering dampination later and we returned to Fort Jonathan unscathed but plenty touched.
For flying the most difficult ship in the division and maintaining the cruising speed, for consistently attending and contributing to Basenites and missions, for his clear respect and dedication to the successful future of the Starchasers and leaving every space better than how he found it, and for keeping the Division Admiral in line, the young Mad Owl was awarded the Stone Cog.
For her constant enthusiasm and unwavering positivity, for keeping us connected to the NBS community, for her eagerness to learn about maintenance, repair, and construction, and for her leadership in helping her fellow pilots be the superhero version of themselves, TurboHoney has earned the Stone Cog.
Next season is guaranteed to be one for the logbooks. The Starchasers are going supernova!