Status: Success


Be Cool

Mission Objectives

  • Get Ice Cream
  • Visit a Water Feature
  • Maintain a chill attitude
  • Dress "Cool"

Mission Summary

Launch was briefly delayed from old-school mission o'clock when Crowley sprung a comically timed spontaneous plasma leak on the launchpad just as we were about to fall ranks, which Deadblow and Pastry Queen made short order of back inside the fort.

After two weeks of absolutely brutal, sweltering heat that you could pretty much swim through, Dr.Claw proclaimed that for this night, if only briefly, we would "be cool".


The one hard and fast requirement was to consume Earth "ice cream" -- and engage with a radiation feature.

Pastry Queen took the lead as navigator and made a beeline to Jay Pee Licks in the Harvard Constellation to get that fueling out of the way.

The hot atmospheric conditions led to speedy melting. Considerable teamwork was engaged to prevent loss of this ice cream, and to wash sticky appendages before takeoff.

The fleet proceeded to the beautiful radiation beacons of Danehy -- but they merely flashed red when pressed.

Some back-channel talk about brain-eating amoebas earlier in the week nearly scared us away from full radiation immersion therapy (which we shockingly had not engaged in for the entirety of the 2023 season), but some reassurance from Acehole that the water was, in fact, safe to enter redirected our course to the traditional Schwimmhöl.

PQ took a novel route to get there, leading us through the Minuteman Wormhole and the sleepy backstreets of the Arlington and Medford Systems, before pilots shed their lasers and spacesuits in stealth mode.

Acehole found a massive branch in the water, which Snow attempted to drag to shore, nearly taking out Wombat at the knees when he didn't realize just how big this fallen piece of driftwood really was.
After sufficient and satisfying "offshore" leave, Dr.Claw directed the fleet to decloak, saddle up, and head back to base, where mission success was declared.

Medal of Injury to Meownderthal for drawing blood after wheelieing off the back of Juul Theef right into a spectacular pratfall.


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Pilot Ship Points Promotion
AceHole Temerity 182.042   Petty Officer Third Class
Deadblow Crowley 605.341   Aviator First Class
DrClaw Shockwave 1082.85   Captain
happenstance Bieber Fever 0  
Kilo3 Ez Raider 568.89   Commander
Meownderthal Juul Theef 471.005  
Pastry Queen Princess Fun Police 1232.55   Lieutenant Junior Grade
Snow Deep Blue Dream 57.1394  
Wombat Pale Horse 405.036  
Pilots must be logged in to see the briefing.
Taskforce Pilot
Mission Leader DrClaw
Deck Officer Pastry Queen
Gate Attendant Pastry Queen
Navigator Pastry Queen
Tailgunner Deadblow
Emblem Designer DrClaw
Com-Sat 1 Kilo3
Tool Bag Kilo3
Flat Bag Pastry Queen
Medi Bag Meownderthal
Chalk Bag Meownderthal
Still Cam Snow
Airlock DrClaw
Life Support 1 DrClaw
Mission Pinner happenstance
Mission Debriefer Wombat
Mission Reporter Deadblow
Stellar Cartographer Kilo3
Cleaner Meownderthal
Wingmate 01 Pastry Queen

Mission Parameters

Mission LeaderDrClaw
Mission Size 9 pilots
OriginFort Antwerp
Light Years16.815
G-Well Activity1.484
Technical Rating1.295