Status: Success
Hullraiser, Century 2014
This week we embarked on another epic 100 light-year adventure to make the long haul down to Hull. Dr.Claw planned the route and navigated, taking us to faraway systems never before visited by SCUL. Barely 0.3 light-years into the mission, Lucifer suffered a mechanical — a broken shift cable — that left Civitron with but one gear. We worked around the situation by manually putting the ship into the most comfortable gear and using the limiting screws to lock it there. Snow tagged along for the first part of the mission on his civiship, but tweaked his knee around the JP system, and eventually bailed around light-year 40. More details to come soon.
*motorcycle gang with escape pod
*Tard plants unreachable barnacle on the Hull wind turbine, massive sticker attached to adjacent graffiti wall.
*encountered the same tubby trailer-crushing jerkface from last year's Omegamission at the same exact intersection, 200 feet from the landing pad
Memorable quotes:
"That doesn't exist."
"What is going on?"
"That is how you move"
"I don't have to tell you, look at you all, your balls are hanging out. Just look at you!"
"I'm so on molly"
"I like the future, but I want a flying car."
"Hi kids"