Status: Success


Alpha-Mission D1S29

Mission Objectives

  1. Assemble at Fort Antwerp, airlocks open at t-minus two-hours
  2. Be ready to fly at the sound of the launch klaxon
  3. Visit Dyanna, pick up any Somerville crew who like to rendez-vous
  4. Git Snax
  5. Meander
  6. Orbit the Globe
  7. Get your space legs back
  8. Meander home

Mission Summary

After a long off-season in cryostasis, pilots assembled early at the fort to reminisce about missions of yore and bolster each others' wills for a mission that planed to fly under an ominous threat of radiation and chill temperatures. A cadre of pilots from the Starchaser Division joined as well and spirits were high. Launch went off with only a slight hitch, as Dr Claw needed a few extra moments to pre-flight his ship, having been tapped to assist with last minute and mission critical wookie work on Syntax Error.

Laughing and cheering in the face of constant light radiation, the fleet made a direct path through the Harvard constellation much to the joy of quite a few civilians who offered their praise in the form of high-fives and waves. Our destination was to visit with Diana, stalwart guardian of Somernova (and to rendezvous with DeadBride and Threespeed.) A quick cockpit adjustment was made to Patent Pending's ship and photo documentation of our encounter was made before the fleet took flight once more, this time to search for snax near the Kendall Constellation.

Our respite in Kendall was successful and morale was high as snax and stories were shared outside a luna 7-11. A plan was hatched for a quick lap of the nearby steam globe then bugging out to the fort. With haste the fleet made it's way down the space lanes and made several orbits of the globe before disaster struck. Bowser called mechanical and the wookies rushed in to discover that the sonic disruptor dish mounted to Porphyrios had become structural. The rigors of space flight had taken a toll on the ships bow and the hull breached, nearly snapping the ship in twain. Given the lucky support of the funk emitting accessory and Bowser's close proximity to the starpath, the ship was deemed worthy enough to be flown back to the fort dandy-horse style.

Bowser took the lead on a three light-year direct path to the fort, successfully bringing the ship home to berth and earning a medal of strength, in spite of the new, very dubious configuration of his ships hull.

On the launchpad it was pointed out that pilot Gritty had traversed meat space to our local system via a winged sky tube only a day prior and was returning again on the morrow, so a medal of strength was awarded to her as well.
Pilot Ship Points Promotion
BaneThunderwolf Ghost Ship 1129.92   Petty Officer Third Class
Bowser Porphyrios 190.277   Pilot
DrClaw Yer Mom 132.989   Pilot
Gritty Centvrion 59.2301   Pilot
Kilo3 Swamp Thing 348.464   Aviator
Legehammer Ghost Ship 0  
Lordmcfuzz The Traveler 307.554   Aviator
Mad Owl My F.E.N.Y.S. 185.48   Pilot
Meownderthal Juul Theef 164.459   Pilot
Patent Pending Ez Raider 133.35   Pilot
Punchy Compliance 494.851   Aviator
Red Squirrel Sugar Glider 388.904   Aviator
Skunk Syntax Error 1241.38   Petty Officer Third Class
Snow Deep Blue Dream 32.5738   Pilot
Stogie Catastrophe 434.227   Aviator
Tango Lust 0  
Truck Stop Doctor Love 81.6438   Pilot
Pilots must be logged in to see the briefing.
Taskforce Pilot
Mission Leader Skunk
Deck Officer BaneThunderwolf
Gate Attendant Red Squirrel
MRC Officer BaneThunderwolf
Navigator Punchy
Tailgunner Gritty
Emblem Designer Skunk
Com-Sat 1 Kilo3
Com-Sat 2 Red Squirrel
Tool Bag Meownderthal
Flat Bag Stogie
Medi Bag Snow
Wookiee Bag Patent Pending
Ambassador BaneThunderwolf
Chalk Bag Gritty
Still Cam Stogie
Airlock Lordmcfuzz
Life Support 1 Skunk
Life Support 3 BaneThunderwolf
Mission Pinner Kilo3
Mission Debriefer Tango
Mission Reporter BaneThunderwolf
Stellar Cartographer BaneThunderwolf
Cleaner Red Squirrel
Wingmate 01 BaneThunderwolf

Mission Parameters

Mission LeaderSkunk
Mission Size 17 pilots
OriginFort Tyler
Destinationinto the black once again
Light Years9.384
G-Well Activity0.953
Technical Rating1.035