Status: Success


Gamma Is For Chill

The fizz and excitement of last weeks mission cooled and nine pilots wended their way through the calm of the evening with the cool hand of Bane Thunderwolf at the navigator helm.

We formed up, learned that we would be having a relaxed evening with a visit to a secret location in the Allston galaxy, then set out with and Dr. Claw sounding out a flowing groove that invigorated and unwound the weeks tension.

After many loops and eddies, we found ourselves at a (new to some of us) pump track, where Ziqqurat flew Iridium through the lumps and did not fall. Unfortunately, Wombat was not so lucky, losing a small amount of skin and earning a medal of injury. Luckily he was also carrying medibag.

The pump track was swiftly followed by a visit to the new top-secret Allston fort where the evenings relaxation was disturbed by a clang of metal objects, making pilots jump. Much discussion of the various nearby donuts was had, then the fleet cruised towards another chill spot.

Flight formations were tip-top, ship-shape, keeping everyone safe and relaxed. Gamma mission was relaxed and chill. New faces, returning pilots, and hope in the air for an excellent upcoming season.
Pilot Ship Points Promotion
BaneThunderwolf Bieber Fever 608.728   Aviator First Class
DrClaw Skywarp 114.856  
Gritty Doctor Love 89.2979   Aviator
Lordmcfuzz The Traveler 750.535   Chief Petty Officer
perilous War 158.504   Aviator First Class
Punchy Ez Raider 361.6   Aviator
Wombat Vespira 250.11   Petty Officer Third Class
Ziqqurat Iridium 245.436   Aviator
Pilots must be logged in to see the briefing.
Taskforce Pilot
Mission Leader Lordmcfuzz
Navigator BaneThunderwolf
Tailgunner Punchy
Com-Sat 1 Lordmcfuzz
Flat Bag Ziqqurat
Medi Bag Wombat
Still Cam Lordmcfuzz
Life Support 1 DrClaw
Mission Debriefer perilous
Mission Reporter perilous
Stellar Cartographer BaneThunderwolf

Mission Parameters

Mission LeaderLordmcfuzz
Mission Size 8 pilots
OriginFort Tyler
DestinationChill zone
Light Years11.256
G-Well Activity0.258
Technical Rating0.598