Status: Success
We Accidentally Terminated An Earthling
Mission Objectives
avoid bad weather
Head along the Charles Asteroid belt
help Sparky achieve his life long dream
Mission Summary
Contrary to reports of bad riding conditions, the stars were clear.
Three mechanicals before a strong and steady launch.
The soundtrack was provided by the internal chopper groove of each pilots mind. Our path was cleverly and subtly indirect so as to shake off any unfriendly space pirates that might have been on our trail. Many pilots resisted the urge to derby as Nosepicker tested the strength of a tardis (port a potty) for CaptainUnderpants, and brave scouts located the mysterious green light. Contacts were met at a secret base, and mild to moderate partying ensued. Impromptu beatboxing in the freight elevator kept morale high and funky as we prepared for our long journey back to Fort Summer.
A baby oppossum lost its life near the Charles asteroid belt, and it was respectfully and ceremoniously buried and observed by Crumpet, Samurai, and Threespeed.
There was a violent de-shoeing, in what is now classified as a bizarre jettison-shoe manuever, Sparky fulfilled his lifelong dream of mooning cambridge with much flair and panache, the secret location of where the sidewalk ends was discovered, and such sensitive information will be carefully protected until such arcane intelligence is needed.
It was a motley mission, we traveled many light years and some of us almost didnt make it. Phooka and Sammo did a brilliant job at the front and back, and life in the middle was together.