Status: Success
Midnight Leopard Death Squad 2006
Mission Objectives
stay clear of the dark side
make our own music sans life support
make noise under bridges
Mission Summary
Into the Wormhole! We listened to the force and took the circumventing route to find the bridges, and then make music. Not that any of the pilots made anything that resembled music. Except for Smoke on the Water… that was beautiful. Much angst ensued about going swimming, or riding… and riding won out, and oh, how we rode, took to the streets we did, until we glistened. And we angsted over whether to ride or swim, and then upon the choice to swim, Evil Twin took us straight up a freakin' negi gwell wall. Only to be told it was the wrong way. So down and up and pilots passing the navigator, and chaos, and oh, dear emperor chancellor where are you???
We weren't tuned into the Force when we hit the Spy pond nebula stretch of the wormhole… and lo and behold there were evil monsters blocking the way! Portage we must, through tangled vines (remember when Luke had to face Vader in the Yoda trials.. Yeah, like that) Survive we did, and swimming happened, and just when it was the thought to get a little dry… the radiation above exploded, and rained heavily, decreasing visibility and range of light, a pact with the devil was struck, and safely the bridge became home once again.
We boogied quite a lot, and then took towards, home, and to our respective beds.
Baby Maggots:
Boots hosted by Mosquito
Trisignata (Tris) brought by Mars