Status: Failure
Keep the Home Fort Burning
DOWN WITH SCUL! This renegade mission, called impromptu while the main body of SCUL went to Provincetown, massed 3 pilots strong. Navtail was temporarily suspended for the duration. We buzzed Project MUM then proceeded to Castle Island where we enjoyed wind, water, and psychedelic skies with a goffic moon. We did a million detours before getting out of Union Constellation because everything everywhere is under construction. We stickered a Castle Island bench bigtime, and Deadblow successfully made her first HARV flight on BieberFiever, while Bane Thunderwolf earned a medal of Naked. On our return Bane ejected forcefully at Luna Christian Science, attracting sympathy from the security guard and much adulation from a roving pack of Sikh food (or possibly zombies). His bottle of Temptation molecules was crushed; he did not however merit a medal of Injury.
The mission objective was failure. We failed so hard. It was work. SCUL sucks.