Status: Failure


Alphamission Splashdown

The admiral braved the elements to prove once and for all that Starchasers are NOT made of fine confectionary molecules but in fact, the stuff of legend.

Since his return from the Powderhouse Hole, Division Admiral Civitron has been feverishly preparing the recently christened FTL Starfire for her maiden voyage in the NBS. As many pilots have painfully experienced, the Secret Sector eats ships. After several rotations under the Day Star and a head full of paint fumes, the DAdm. opened the airlock and initiated MRC protocol. Fragments of the new Starchaser flagship were scattered throughout the fort in various stages of construction, her bold new hull plating shimmering with the anticipation of joining the chromasonic symphony, the force which surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the galaxy together. All that was left was reassembly, preflight, and a diagnostic of life-support systems. As fate would have it, the primary radiobox was not ready for the mission. Civitron would have to rely on auxiliary systems to carry the mission.

Torrential surges of radiation drenched the admiral, who proceeded to bust the funk through a mismatched collection of teeny tiny sonic disruption devices, while passing transport ships slowed their momentum to marvel at the elemental defiance of the mighty Starfire!
Pilot Ship Points Promotion
Civitron Starfire 1740.96   Petty Officer First Class
Pilots must be logged in to see the briefing.
Taskforce Pilot
Mission Leader Civitron
Deck Officer Civitron
MRC Officer Civitron
Navigator Civitron
Tailgunner Civitron
Tool Bag Civitron
Flat Bag Civitron
Medi Bag Civitron
Ambassador Civitron
Still Cam Civitron
Airlock Civitron
Life Support 1 Civitron
Minister of Zoobs Civitron
Mission Debriefer Civitron
Mission Reporter Civitron
Stellar Cartographer Civitron
Radio Wrangler Civitron
Life Support Synthesis Civitron

Mission Parameters

Mission LeaderCivitron
Mission Size 1 pilot
OriginFort Jonathan
DestinationTo infinity and your mom!
Light Years10.000
G-Well Activity1.342
Technical Rating2.424