Status: Failure


By The Numbers

Mission Objectives

  • 4 squares flown through
  • 3 rounds of derby played
  • 2 flight formations performed
  • 1 snack stop

Mission Summary

After Boston canceled the inauguration of its new "Biketown" traffic park -- forcing the scrubbing of the corresponding planned day mission -- pilots scrambled to come up with a new mission as replacement. Dr.Claw indulged his numerical side and decreed we were to visit exactly 4 squares, play 3 rounds of derby, perform 2 flight formations, make 1 snack stop, and orbit 0 black holes.

Lordmcfuzz assumed navigational duties and led us to the lesser-visited Oak Square Constellation, where we got the snack stop out of the way early. Chalk bag was deployed and mathematical formula and hieroglyphs were left. The fleet resumed travel back toward more familiar grounds (and a quick stop for a quick photo op at MIT's numbers sculpture,) using mostly back streets in order to avoid unnecessary squares. Bane Thunderwolf regaled the gang with an onslaught of bad math puns throughout the night and the fleet made its way under Zakim, then took that left turn at the sac of potatoes to find an empty lot for derby. Kilo3 won the first two derby matches and Lordmcfuzz pulled off the third.

The gang set course in the general direction of home, and performed the requisite two flight formations along the way: Flying V and 4x2 Redcoat. When we arrived back at the landing pad, we were in for a rude surprise when Dr.Claw deemed we had visited too many squares beyond the requisite four, and the mission would be declared a failure unless we could come up with some realllllly good puns. Despite Bane Thunderwolf's best (worst?) efforts, the failure stood.

Note: we saw a real-life Cybertruck in the wild parked on Cambridge Street as we approached Inman Sq. It had a matte steel finish, and Tard said throwing a cup of water at it would make it rust.

Too many squares:
1. Oak
4. Kendall
9. Lechmere
16. Sullivan
25. Union
36. Inman
49. Central

Pilot Ship Points Promotion
BaneThunderwolf Bieber Fever 465.439   Lieutenant Junior Grade
Cosima Catastrophe 792.627   Ensign
DrClaw Shockwave 1116.6   Commodore
Jaguar Zip Drive V3.1 137.649   Aviator
Kilo3 Swamp Thing 772.412   Captain
Leotard Abracadaver 225.29   Petty Officer Third Class
Lordmcfuzz The Traveler 1007.6   Rear Admiral, Upper Half
Wombat Pale Horse 382.843   Lieutenant
Pilots must be logged in to see the briefing.
Taskforce Pilot
Mission Leader DrClaw
Deck Officer Kilo3
Gate Attendant Cosima
Navigator Lordmcfuzz
Tailgunner Jaguar
Emblem Designer DrClaw
Com-Sat 1 Kilo3
Tool Bag Cosima
Flat Bag Lordmcfuzz
Medi Bag BaneThunderwolf
Wookiee Bag Leotard
Ambassador Cosima
Chalk Bag Jaguar
Still Cam Leotard
Airlock DrClaw
Life Support 1 DrClaw
Mission Pinner Lordmcfuzz
Mission Debriefer Wombat
Mission Reporter BaneThunderwolf
Stellar Cartographer Kilo3
Cleaner Cosima

Mission Parameters

Mission LeaderDrClaw
Mission Size 8 pilots
OriginFort Antwerp
Light Years15.627
G-Well Activity1.012
Technical Rating1.768