Status: Success


New Hope: Episode One

Though Omegamission/Life Day typically marks the end of the official SCUL flying season, the Starchasers remain committed to keeping our skies safe during this galactic winter. That's why we've initiated Operation New Hope, an ongoing outreach mission to defend and protect the citizenry from the icy tendrils of the deadly Worldsuckahbeest while maintaining the fragile balance of the Intergalactic Posifunktitude. In this installment of Operation New Hope, the Starchasers find themselves on a Sunday morning recon mission through the dNB.

The temperatures were low but the often dreaded daystar kept our hearts warm and our spirits high. Our mission: to identify possible locations for the next phase of Operation New Hope but this is first and foremost a humanitarian mission. So, we have assembled a collection of 15 LifePacks, drop pods filled with supplies (clean socks, toiletries, first aid kits, and hand-warmers) to distribute to any civilians and alien refugees who may require assistance.

Along the way, we met many appreciative and smiling faces. My F.E.N.Y.S. went flat in the primary thruster. An easy fix with the Starchasers' adequate Flat Bag; Radiobox 1 dropped signal when Artemis' on-board astromech decided to take a mid-flight snooze. Perhaps the cold was too much for him. (Yes. I said "him"! Everyone knows that all droids are boys and all ships are girls. Duh doi!) Thankfully, Shadowman was ready to carry the chopper groove torch with Radiobox Number Poop; Civitron almost hi-fived an ST but decided against it. "Good morning, officer!" was sufficient; And despite our readiness to assist, we returned with all 15 LifePacks.

Our mission was simple: gather intel about the dNB; commit one act of kindness; and be ready to assist. Two out of three isn't all that bad. Content that we went, we set a course back to Starchasers HQ. Back at the fort, the post-mission debrief provided a clearer plan for the future of our continuing mission. Stay tuned for the next exciting (hopefully) episode of The Starchasers: "Operation New Hope"!

If you live in or near the New Bedford System and would like to take part in "Operation New Hope" or other future Starchasers missions, contact Division Admiral Civitron via subspace transmission at We're always excited to meet new lifeforms!
Pilot Ship Points Promotion
Civitron Artemis 1592.63  
Shadowman My F.E.N.Y.S. 560.415   Captain
Pilots must be logged in to see the briefing.
Taskforce Pilot
Mission Leader Civitron
Deck Officer Civitron
Gate Attendant Shadowman
MRC Officer Civitron
Navigator Civitron
Tailgunner Shadowman
Tool Bag Civitron
Flat Bag Shadowman
Medi Bag Civitron
Ambassador Civitron
Chalk Bag Civitron
Still Cam Civitron
Airlock Civitron
Life Support 1 Civitron
Life Support 2 Shadowman
Damage Control Civitron
Mission Debriefer Civitron
Mission Reporter Civitron
Stellar Cartographer Civitron

Mission Parameters

Mission LeaderCivitron
Mission Size 2 pilots
OriginFort Jonathan
Light Years6.693
G-Well Activity1.293
Technical Rating2.674