Petty Officer Third Class


Pilot Date2010.10.23
Total Light Years3,012.57
Current Experience1,272.39

Stardate 20100724s - A far-flung refugee of the “Secret Sector”, the star-system that lit the cosmos by way of the fabled Space Leviathan, the Civitron patrols the universe in search of truth, love and justice. His continuing mission, to seek out beings of kindred spirit and annihilate the forces of imagination zombification. One day, while responding to a distress signal in the Boston System, Civitron encountered a strange species of space-dweller, called “Skunk”. He soon discovered, to his great pleasure that this creature was not alone but in fact Admiral to a great fleet of intergalactic travelers, known only as SCUL. They quickly adopted our daring hero, teaching him the ways of the funk. Civitron continues to learn much from these brave warriors, builders and adventurers. He hopes to one day return to his beloved homeworld and resurrect it’s sleeping giants to once again maintain the balance between the light and the darkness. Until that time, Civitron remains ever vigilant and ever prepared to spread goodness like peanut butter over the brittle crackers of injustice! - “Lucem diffundo!”

Stardate 20120929s - 4th SCUL DIV, "The Starchasers" (SCD) is made official and Ft. Jonathan is christened. Now, leading his squadron as Division Admiral Civitron continues his mission of peace.


"Legend of the Starchasers"
Discovered during Operation Luna Libros
Stardate: 140517
Translation by 4th DIV Admiral Civitron

AFAR! Wild chase in stars above has sped / Along grand and heavy nebulae ascends / Upward in pillars of chromasonic waves / Alighting the heavens in funkadelic blaze / Laughter and hi-fives mellowing the vibe / On irradiated earth and celestial ocean tide.

[Missing Text...]

Music fills the air and lasers shine bright / Projecting alien shadows cast by the light / The loftiest, on its’ summit now attained / Day Star, bespoked with emanating flame / Hidden ‘neath horizon: another in the race / Slanting opposed and with an eastward face / Catching golden light. Suddenly did appear / The shadow of a stag, before Orion’s spear.

“Chaser of Stars, what dreams may come.” / Traveling through space our warp coils hum / Devouring worlds within a cyclone thruster / Transfer conduits propelling fast as we can muster / As from faint nebulae bright worlds are deigned / And so return to vapor. Starships are designed / Constructs of past-lived atoms from oh so many things / Like shoes, ships and sealing wax, cabbages & kings.

As if from books of mythology, of long lost tales to tell / The interstellar dance has ceased, gone around the swell / Sudden from a secret place sweeps the stag a-bounding / A new chase is on! Our choppers groove fantastically astounding / “Ahoy! Brave heroes!” Lovingly the heavens call our name / All hail the Starchasers! May adventure be your quest and aim."



Mission Leader113
Deck Officer64
Gate Attendant8
MRC Officer37
Emblem Designer12
Com-Sat 12
Tool Bag37
Flat Bag34
Medi Bag40
Wookiee Bag3
Chalk Bag16
Still Cam35
Life Support 199
Life Support 23
Life Support 31
Life Support 41
Life Support 51
Damage Control33
Minister of Zoobs13
Mission Pinner17
Mission Debriefer50
Mission Reporter66
Stellar Cartographer66
Compressor Wrangler1
Maggot Filterer4
Paper Wrangler1
Radio Wrangler31
Life Support Synthesis19
Wingmate 0111
Skynet Operator Pre2


MRC Basic
MRC Advanced
Fort Maintenance
Colors on Bag
Field Repair
Colors on Person
Insignia on Person
Insignia on Bag
Derby Win
Derby Ribbon Grab
Transport Services
Graphic Design
Pilot Cargo
Ship Cargo


Hosted BySkunk
Enlistment Date2010.07.24
Knighted BySkunk
Pilot Date2010.10.23

Pilots Hosted: 20

Service Record

Date Div Mission Ship
2025.02.15 SCD Post-Valentine's Polar Pedal Punk Show Starfire
2024.11.16 SCD Cranksgiving New Bedford Starfire
2024.11.02 SCD Rocky Horror Bicycle Show Starfire
2024.10.19 SCD Meowsquerade Soul Starfire
2024.08.17 SCD Joy Ride Starfire
2024.05.04 SCD Yub-Nub Starfire
2024.04.27 SCD Gummi Bear Picnic Starfire
2024.04.13 SCD Starchasers Alphamission 2024 Starfire
2023.11.18 SCD Cranksgiving V Starfire
2023.11.04 SCD Life Day/Omegamission Potluck Starfire
2023.10.28 SCD Hallowheels: Big Twinkie Starfire
2023.10.14 SCD Wild Wild Westober Starfire
2023.10.07 SCD Body Moovin Starfire
2023.09.30 SCD Starchaser Day XI Starfire
2023.09.09 SCD Shmedal Schmelt Starfire
2023.08.26 SCD Local Hijinks Starfire
2023.08.12 SCD They See Us Rollin’ (Unofficial Mission) (Day... Starfire
2023.08.05 SCD Mad Owl Day Starfire
2023.07.22 SCD Crab Rangoon Starfire
2023.07.15 SCD Bubbles & Bass Starfire
2023.07.08 SCD Pedal Melt: the Ice Cream Fantastic Starfire
2023.06.08 SCD Pride Starfire
2023.05.27 SCD Starhorse Starfire
2023.05.26 SCD Groove to Groovalottos Starfire
2023.04.08 SCD Cosmic Seeds Starfire
2023.04.01 MAD Fools' Folly Flights: Alphamission '23 Starfire
2023.01.28 SCD Crow's Nest Starfire
2022.12.03 SCD Tour de Tacky NB Starfire
2022.11.20 SCD Cranksgiving NB IV Starfire
2022.11.12 SCD TURBOHONEY DAY Starfire
2022.10.22 SCD Hallowheels/Fall Fest/Scary Movie Triple Feature Starfire
2022.10.15 SCD Falling with Style Starfire
2022.10.01 SCD Wet Dry Run Starfire
2022.09.18 SCD ¡Muevete! Starfire
2022.07.09 MAD Slowly But Shore Leave Iridium
2022.07.07 SCD TTFN Starfire
2022.06.11 SCD 20mi2 - Sector 02744 Starfire
2022.06.10 SCD 20mi2 - Sector 02746 Starfire
2022.06.09 SCD 20mi2 - Sector 02740 Starfire
2022.06.04 SCD Prom Night Starfire
2022.05.07 SCD TikTok Anonymous Artemis
2022.05.01 SCD Oh, The Places That Spaceships Break (Bay State... Starfire
2022.04.02 SCD Alphamission X Starfire
2021.12.04 SCD Spectacle de Cosmique Starfire
2021.11.13 SCD Cranksgiving: Hold onto your nutz Starfire
2021.10.16 SCD Darkest Timeline Starfire
2021.09.25 MAD Long Shot: Century 21B Artemis
2021.09.18 SCD Empty Orchestra Starfire
2021.08.28 MAD Nochnoy Dozor Goro
2021.07.17 SCD Roswell That Ends Well Starfire
2021.07.10 MAD Two-tee Fiver Starfire
2021.06.19 SCD Pride Starfire
2021.05.15 SCD Luna Libros VIII: Four Color Chaos Theory Starfire
2021.05.08 MAD Masked Gwells Civilian Ship
2021.04.17 SCD Folicular Commutation Starfire
2021.04.03 SCD Hummingbird Starfire
2020.12.19 SCD Starchasers Tour de Tacky Starfire
2020.11.14 SCD Cranksgiving Starfire
2020.10.17 SCD Hallowheels: Ring the Bells Starfire
2020.10.01 SCD Konami Code (#NBPUBPEDAL) Starfire
2020.09.19 SCD Superposi Starfire
2020.08.15 SCD Pedal Melt: Ice Cream Fantastic Starfire
2020.07.25 SCD Luna Libros VII: Flight of the Space Librarians Starfire
2020.07.09 SCD Chromasonic Funkticolor: Bicycle Rally for Blac... Starfire
2019.12.21 SCD Starchasers Tour de Tacky/Life Day Starfire
2019.11.16 SCD Starchasers Cranksgiving Starfire
2019.10.19 SCD Hallowheels: Neon Blood Starfire
2019.10.05 SCD Luna Libros VI: Technicolour Treasure Hunt Starfire
2019.09.28 SCD Starchasers SCULimpics 2019 Starfire
2019.09.13 SCD AHA! Time Heist Starfire
2019.07.20 SCD Color Cosmic Starfire
2019.06.17 SCD Righteous Hope Starfire
2019.06.13 SCD AHA Pride Block Party Starfire
2019.05.18 SCD Flower Power Moon Starfire
2019.04.27 SCD Alpha Beta Mission Starfire
2019.04.20 SCD Alphamission Splashdown Starfire
2019.04.13 MAD Black Hole Starfire
2019.04.06 MAD Appalachiamission '19 Starfire
2018.11.17 SCD Operation ResCUTE Mission Artemis
2018.11.10 SCD Bonus Pi in the Frozen Sky Artemis
2018.10.20 SCD Cosmic Creeps (SCD Hallowheels) Artemis
2018.10.06 MAD Skunk Day: Episode 500 - A New Hope Pale Horse
2018.09.29 SCD Blue Skidoo Artemis
2018.09.15 SCD SCULimpics 2018: Star City Games Artemis
2018.09.08 MAD Escape from the Cape Artemis
2018.08.25 SCD Ice Cream Cake Artemis
2018.07.14 SCD Anchors A-weigh Artemis
2018.07.07 SCD This Is How We Win Artemis
2018.05.26 SCD SCD SCUL Day 22 Artemis
2018.05.09 SCD Alpha Flight 2018 Artemis
2017.09.09 SCD Glorious Sandchasers present Monbies & Dandies Lucifer
2017.06.17 SCD Luna Librish Artemis
2017.05.27 MAD Augment My Chopper Mjollnir
2017.05.01 SCD Late Start Great Start Artemis
2016.12.04 SCD New Hope: Episode One Artemis
2016.11.05 MAD Life Day 2016 Catastrophe
2016.10.15 SCD Colour Out of Space (Starchaser Century) Artemis
2016.10.13 SCD AHA! Artemis
2016.09.10 SCD Space Camp: The Revenge Artemis
2016.08.18 SCD Art of the Impossible Artemis
2016.07.23 SCD Nth Degree Artemis
2016.07.16 SCD Starhorse! Artemis
2016.07.10 SCD The Irradiated Wizard of Ros Artemis
2016.07.10 SCD The Irradiated Wizard of Ros Artemis
2016.06.18 SCD Luna Libros IV: Satellites of Love Artemis
2016.06.02 SCD Just the Tip Artemis
2016.04.16 SCD Alphachaser 5 Hook
2016.04.02 MAD Alfrescomission '16 Artemis
2015.11.13 SCD Unlucky Friday the 13th Poor Judgement One Up B... Artemis
2015.11.07 MAD Omegamission 2015 Artemis
2015.10.18 SCD Chromasonic Funkticolor Artemis
2015.10.10 SCD Woods Hole Century Artemis
2015.09.05 SCD Zoobaleezoo Artemis
2015.09.04 SCD Beach Blanket Burrito Bros. Artemis
2015.08.29 MAD Carpe Noctem Artemis
2015.08.15 MAD Cosmic Safari Artemis
2015.07.25 SCD Styles Man-Dish Space Camp Artemis
2015.07.18 MAD Hot Shot Artemis
2015.05.23 SCD Nasty Jazz Merica
2015.05.16 SCD Luna Libros III: Holocron Heist Artemis
2015.04.25 SCD Infinity Gauntlet Artemis
2015.04.18 SCD Soft Potato Artemis
2015.04.11 SCD Alpha lapha ding-dong '15 Artemis
2014.10.18 SCD Flying in the Face of Providence Artemis
2014.09.27 SCD Chasing Down the Day Star: Parts 1 & 2 Artemis
2014.09.20 MAD Hullraiser, Century 2014 Lucifer
2014.08.30 SCD Cahdbawd Sawds Artemis
2014.08.14 SCD Soggy Paradox Artemis
2014.07.17 SCD High Horse Artemis
2014.07.05 SCD Mad Owl's Red Scare Artemis
2014.06.28 SCD Roswell That Ends Well Artemis
2014.05.31 SCD Desolation of Chalkulust! Artemis
2014.05.17 SCD Luna Libros II: Codex Schmodex Artemis
2014.05.03 SCD Seal the Rift Artemis
2014.04.12 SCD Starchaser Alphamission '14 Artemis
2013.11.02 MAD Omegamission 2013 Bieber Fever
2013.10.26 SCD A Very Starchasers Hallowheels Lucifer
2013.10.05 SCD Konami Code Artemis
2013.09.28 SCD Starchaser Day 2013 Artemis
2013.09.07 SCD Colour Underground (Part 1) Artemis
2013.08.24 SCD Metric Century of the Phoenix Artemis
2013.08.17 MAD Buzz Kill Artemis
2013.07.23 SCD Making Friends Artemis
2013.07.20 SCD Lone Wolf Hook
2013.06.29 MAD Radiation Warz!!! Pale Horse
2013.06.23 SCD League of Just Us Artemis
2013.06.01 SCD Almost Legal (SCUL Day 2013) Artemis
2013.05.18 SCD Luna Libros Artemis
2013.05.04 SCD Bring Home the Tesseract Artemis
2013.04.27 SCD Blame Somebody Else Artemis
2013.04.20 SCD Tomorrow is Yesterday is Today Artemis
2013.04.13 SCD Prometheus Rising (Starchasers Alphamission) Artemis
2012.10.27 MAD Hallowheels 2012 Annihilation
2012.10.13 SCD Divide and Conquer Artemis
2012.10.06 SCD Ice Knuckled Skunk Hunt Artemis
2012.09.29 MAD Chasing The Stars With The Starchasers Artemis
2012.09.01 MAD Night of the Living U-Hauls Annihilation
2012.06.23 MAD Chopra vs. Godzilla Artemis
2012.05.19 MAD Disco Diva Dance Party Mjollnir
2012.05.05 MAD Super Mooning Artemis
2012.04.21 MAD Tea and Grackle Artemis
2012.04.07 MAD Cranktabulous Alphamission! Artemis
2011.10.01 MAD Medley Mission Pale Horse
2011.09.17 MAD Weird Bumps Mjollnir
2011.08.06 MAD Princess 5: Hapto's Last Stand (for now) Annihilation
2011.06.04 MAD SCULimpics 2011 Anger
2011.05.21 MAD So Long And Thanks For All The Ι&#... Pestilence
2011.05.07 MAD Donatello Anybody Van Der Goes To Make A Messina Catastrophe
2011.04.30 MAD Let Them Eat Cake Mjollnir
2011.04.16 MAD To The Finish Mad Rabbit
2011.04.02 MAD Alphamission Episode 2011 Yer Mom
2010.10.30 MAD Omegamission Hallowheels Annihilation
2010.10.23 MAD Shiny Metals Compliance
2010.10.09 MAD Skunk Day Episode 2010 Annihilation
2010.09.25 MAD Ground Pounder One Night Stand
2010.08.21 MAD Get Committed to the Asylum Doctor Love
2010.07.24 MAD Orchestral Maneuvers in Space Doctor Love
Iron Cog
Special Ops
Flying Ace