Pilot Date | 2010.10.23 |
Missions | 177 |
Total Light Years | 3,012.57 |
Current Experience | 1,272.39 |
Stardate 20100724s - A far-flung refugee of the “Secret Sector”, the star-system that lit the cosmos by way of the fabled Space Leviathan, the Civitron patrols the universe in search of truth, love and justice. His continuing mission, to seek out beings of kindred spirit and annihilate the forces of imagination zombification. One day, while responding to a distress signal in the Boston System, Civitron encountered a strange species of space-dweller, called “Skunk”. He soon discovered, to his great pleasure that this creature was not alone but in fact Admiral to a great fleet of intergalactic travelers, known only as SCUL. They quickly adopted our daring hero, teaching him the ways of the funk. Civitron continues to learn much from these brave warriors, builders and adventurers. He hopes to one day return to his beloved homeworld and resurrect it’s sleeping giants to once again maintain the balance between the light and the darkness. Until that time, Civitron remains ever vigilant and ever prepared to spread goodness like peanut butter over the brittle crackers of injustice! - “Lucem diffundo!”
Stardate 20120929s - 4th SCUL DIV, "The Starchasers" (SCD) is made official and Ft. Jonathan is christened. Now, leading his squadron as Division Admiral Civitron continues his mission of peace.
"Legend of the Starchasers"
Discovered during Operation Luna Libros
Stardate: 140517
Translation by 4th DIV Admiral Civitron
AFAR! Wild chase in stars above has sped / Along grand and heavy nebulae ascends / Upward in pillars of chromasonic waves / Alighting the heavens in funkadelic blaze / Laughter and hi-fives mellowing the vibe / On irradiated earth and celestial ocean tide.
[Missing Text...]
Music fills the air and lasers shine bright / Projecting alien shadows cast by the light / The loftiest, on its’ summit now attained / Day Star, bespoked with emanating flame / Hidden ‘neath horizon: another in the race / Slanting opposed and with an eastward face / Catching golden light. Suddenly did appear / The shadow of a stag, before Orion’s spear.
“Chaser of Stars, what dreams may come.” / Traveling through space our warp coils hum / Devouring worlds within a cyclone thruster / Transfer conduits propelling fast as we can muster / As from faint nebulae bright worlds are deigned / And so return to vapor. Starships are designed / Constructs of past-lived atoms from oh so many things / Like shoes, ships and sealing wax, cabbages & kings.
As if from books of mythology, of long lost tales to tell / The interstellar dance has ceased, gone around the swell / Sudden from a secret place sweeps the stag a-bounding / A new chase is on! Our choppers groove fantastically astounding / “Ahoy! Brave heroes!” Lovingly the heavens call our name / All hail the Starchasers! May adventure be your quest and aim."