Status: Success
Walking the Party Line
Mission Objectives
answer distress call
consume snax
ride through alleyways
Mission Summary
Lotsa pilots. We rode to south boston to go to a party, silently running
to a super-secret location. Both SOLPhobos and USB Cloudbuster managed
to fit in the freight elevator. We danced under the sparkling lights
of the Dinged Disco Death Star (The rebel alliance got a hit in along
the way!), ate pretzels and chips, played pinball, had fun with the
cameraprojecting thing, wrote secret messages with a typewriter
sansribbon, and stuff. Then braved the chilly ride home. One
mechanical on the way home offered some pilots a pee break in the back
alleys of swanky Back Bay. That Dillweed is just SO Tacky! After
stopping for snacks, several pilots burned upon reentry, but we think
they're probably fine. SCUL welcomed its newest full-fledged pilot,
Axeman, with a long and highly dignified ceremony, which included
Skunk channeling the spirit of Scurvy, andadditional input from
passing civilians in transport to cheer us on. Then, dumpster donuts
and return to base.