Status: Success


A Brief History of a Wrinkle in Time

Mission Objectives

  • Circumambulate Fresh Pond
  • Stabilize the dimensional drift
  • Consider our place in the universe

Mission Summary


SCUL gathered on what appeared to the layman to be a perfectly ordinary Saturnite. However, unbeknownst to most, but beknownst to SCUL, the baleful eye of the Perseid meteor shower had turned its gaze upon the Boston System and with it, cast asunder the fragile bonds of temporal normalcy that encircle our everyday lives. With our common understanding of the passage of time replaced by individual perceptions and synesthetic synechdoches of space and time, SCUL set off on a mission to restore balance to the timestream and regain purchase on the linear progression of history. It was immediately obvious that this was no ordinary mission, as even the life support itself was monotonically descriptive of temporal disruption and discord.

Eleven pilots set forth (sadly reduced from twelve, after a tragic near launch collision between Leotard and DrClaw led to Pilot Leotard requiring meditransport assistance), bound for the Fresh Pond Nebula (foretold in ancient prophecy to be the nexus of the temporal disturbance....or was it told to us just yesterday? Or did we learn about it tomorrow?) via a twisting and uncertain path in order to navigate the dangerous slipstream. Indeed, the intrepid pilots of SCUL did not make it far before encountering mechanical difficulties, as a tractor beam became unmoored from its platonic identity and attempted to become one with Hippogriff's primary thruster. This initial setback resolved, SCUL crossed the Charles Asteroid Belt and entered the Watertown System, coursing through the verdant Hydropolitan wormholes. After crossing a busy starpath heavy with transports, the fleet encountered a mysterious anomaly - a great temporal vortex, lit with glittering lights, that drew pilots inexorably into its maw, beyond the safety of Starpath Greenough. Some pilots even succumbed to the anomaly, becoming marked with its glittering colors. We know not the purpose of this illumination, but we can only assume it is related to the strengthening Perseid meteors.

Pursuing a roundabout course through the Watertown System, the fleet took a brief shore leave in the eponymous Watertown Constellation, memorializing this voyage for stillcam, and then resumed its circuitous route through the veritable rapids of time that we found ourselves in. Finally, we reached Luna 7-11 in the Coolidge Constellation, and acquired sustenance for the final assault on the heart of the temporal disruption. We entered the Watertown-Cambridge Wormhole and set a course through hyperspace to the Fresh Pond Nebula, where, after some well-timed TARDIS encounters, and some less fortunate technical sections of terrain, we circumnavigated the circumferential wormhole widdershins, stopping only to rest at the shore of Little Fresh Pond Nebula, where Vomit recounted one of the first times SCUL braved this particular corner of Deep Space.

Our circumnavigation completed, we could immediately tell that balance had been restored to the universe, as our life support reentered its usual groove and we were mercifully spared any observances of the dread Perseid showers. We were able to return to our fort in record time (or in no time at all....or did it in fact take ages?) with the final gasp of life support perfectly timed for our return to the launchpad.

SCUL, once again, saved the day, and we lived to fly another Saturnite.
Pilot Ship Points Promotion
Cosima One Night Stand 1294.13   Lieutenant
Dead Bride Albatross 434.051   Chief Petty Officer
DrClaw Shockwave 607.613  
Kilo3 Swamp Thing 552.581   Rear Admiral, Lower Half
Lordmcfuzz The Traveler 646.013  
Meownderthal Barbie Schmurda 604.391  
Patent Pending GAP Kids 364.968   Master Chief Petty Officer
Threespeed Summer 583.849   Aviator
vomit Famine 652.355   Chief Petty Officer
Wombat Hippogriff 904.463   Commodore
Ziqqurat Bieber Fever 249.291   Senior Chief Petty Officer
Pilots must be logged in to see the briefing.
Taskforce Pilot
Mission Leader Cosima
Deck Officer Cosima
Gate Attendant Cosima
Navigator Wombat
Tailgunner vomit
Emblem Designer Cosima
Com-Sat 1 Lordmcfuzz
Com-Sat 2 Kilo3
Com-Sat 3 Threespeed
Tool Bag Meownderthal
Flat Bag Lordmcfuzz
Medi Bag Meownderthal
Wookiee Bag Threespeed
Ambassador Patent Pending
Chalk Bag Patent Pending
Still Cam Dead Bride
Airlock DrClaw
Life Support 1 DrClaw
Life Support 2 Dead Bride
Life Support 3 Wombat
Mission Pinner Kilo3
Mission Debriefer Wombat
Mission Reporter Ziqqurat
Stellar Cartographer Wombat
Cleaner Cosima
Print Jockey DrClaw
Life Support Synthesis DrClaw

Mission Parameters

Mission LeaderCosima
Mission Size 11 pilots
OriginFort Antwerp
DestinationCosmological exploration
Light Years17.792
G-Well Activity1.508
Technical Rating2.174