Status: Success


Boot camp

Mission Objectives

  • All pilots read the cadet training page to re-familiarize and get 100% up-to-date on training protocol
  • Gently break in the new cadets and show them how posi SCUL is
  • Leave most of the Jobs for the maggots
  • Fly less than 10 light years
  • Do the SCUL march

Mission Summary

Excess and Diva led a class at the Asylum to train some new recruits. Ten signed up for the class and five actually showed up for the training session on the basics of becoming a full-fledged pilot. The lesson concluded with each trainee conducting a preflight check and test run of a ship. They were ambitions in their ship choices, attempting to test out Summer, AbandonAllHope and Catastrophe on this initial test flight. During the test flight, radiation started falling more heavily. A few recruits who were made of sugar left but promised to ride another night. Only two remained to complete their first mission.

The first medal of the night was awarded before we even launched to Ziqqurat, who when grabbing one of the bags, noticed some unidentifiable odoriferous molecules, which had attracted a battalion of miniature alien beings and he went above the call of duty to take care of the matter for all of us.

As launch approached and radiation continued, we found that some veteran pilots were also made of sugar, but 12 pilots and cadets and one dummy showed on the launch pad, The mission parameters were to ride less than 10 light years, show the new cadets a good time, perform the SCUL march, and ensure all pilots have read the cadet training page on the SCUL website. LordMcFuzz navigated, and made sure to stay within the 10 light year requirement. Radiation continued and a few pilots regretted not having better spacesuits to protect them. We took shore leave at remote training ground in the Cambridge System that had been inspired by the game Qbert, At the top of the block of cubes, we learned the complicated steps of the SCUL march and performed it within SCUL tolerance. Afterwards, pIlots managed to descend a spiraling path that led to a final banked donut. All pilots safely maneuvered through. We then headed back to the fort with no injuries or mechanicals and all 12 pilots (and 1 dummy) accounted for. At the landing pad, Diva and Excess were each awarded a medal of diplomacy.
Pilot Ship Points Promotion
Crater Pale Horse 0  
Diva Toxic Waste 332.312  
DrClaw Saint Christopher 533.461   Chief Petty Officer
eXceSs Chutes & Ladders 795.265   Petty Officer Second Class
Granite Doctor Love 0  
Kilo3 Chastity 478.1   Senior Chief Petty Officer
Lordmcfuzz The Traveler 440.139   Lieutenant
Meownderthal Chrome Pony 395.21   Ensign
Patent Pending Life Alert 266.748  
Skunk Syntax Error 884.587   Lieutenant Commander
Truck Stop Centvrion 49.9454   Aviator First Class
Ziqqurat Summer 155.067  
Pilots must be logged in to see the briefing.
Taskforce Pilot
Mission Leader eXceSs
Deck Officer Skunk
Gate Attendant Ziqqurat
Navigator Lordmcfuzz
Tailgunner DrClaw
Emblem Designer Skunk
Com-Sat 1 Kilo3
Tool Bag Patent Pending
Flat Bag Meownderthal
Medi Bag Crater
Wookiee Bag DrClaw
Ambassador Truck Stop
Chalk Bag Truck Stop
Still Cam Skunk
Airlock DrClaw
Life Support 1 Skunk
Life Support 2 eXceSs
Mission Pinner Crater
Mission Debriefer Granite
Mission Reporter Diva
Stellar Cartographer Kilo3
Cleaner Truck Stop
Wingmate 01 Skunk
Wingmate 02 Diva
Wingmate 03 eXceSs
Wingmate 04 Kilo3
Wingmate 05 Ziqqurat

Mission Parameters

Mission LeadereXceSs
Mission Size 12 pilots
OriginFort Antwerp
Light Years7.737
G-Well Activity0.500
Technical Rating1.700