Status: Success



Mission Objectives

  • Wear something Star Wars-y
  • Chalk messages of hope on the pavement. Rebellions are built on hope.
  • Drink blue milk!

Mission Summary

After some trial and error of getting cadets fitted comfortably into starships, 11 pilots (including a K-9 by the name of “ZEB” who came with the self proclaimed title of “Captain”) managed to safely make it to the launch pad where Seasoned pilot TurboHoney was already set to launch. We were quickly joined by Admiral Civitron totaling 13 pilots eager to bust a funk. After a briefing of the mission objectives, the Starchasers were ordered to saddle up. The night was not as young as it seemed and there were still Nubs to be Yubbed.
It was only a short time before the time portal would close, and the window to the blue elixir of EWOK celebration would be lost, and with that notion, the admirable admiral bellowed “Navi away!”
The starchasers were modest in their use of
lasers and disruptors on this mission, allowing some of the cadets to really experience the void. Pilots of all skill levels were working to maneuver fluidly throughout the narrow corridors of space that seemed particularly littered with transports that night. The new cadets were learning the ropes and getting their “space legs” as it were.
About 2 parsecs from the launch, situated on the south side of the west solar system;the pilots docked their ships at a store of convenience where we sought to accomplish the first objective of the mission. The establishment (INconvenient store) lacked the lactation we were after (Jedi mind trick:this is not the milk you are looking for) but improvisations were made, allowing the pilots to dye their tongues blue (and fingers cheesy orange) thus celebrating like the EWOKs we aspire to be. Objective complete.
After the rest and recovery pilots readied, and Admiral Civitron gave strict orders not to launch before his verbal command to do so. Pilots gripped their controls white knuckled, eagerly waiting to hear the command, their eyes fixed on the tall ship that would lead us to our next objective. But civi needed to be assured that all cadets and pilots were indeed ready to launch. Another rotation atop the flagship, and finally, the order was given. I believe it was at this point that Captain ZEBADU and his handler broke off from the formation to travel space on their own, to home base perhaps. I’ve never seen anyone travel at warp speed for such a duration. Captain ZEBADU might be the one able to catch the stars he chases.
Pilots did an amazing job familiarizing themselves with the linguistics of space travel. Everyone communicated clearly, projecting their voices with the call and responses of caution and coordination.
After several light years woven through space, numerous light years of stars chased; pilots gathered at Clasky Common. At this location warp speed is easily attained when flying from the top, allowing for terminal velocity to be achieved, which could spell danger for an inexperienced pilot. Following the guided path proved to be too risky for a large ship such as Humonger, and the trajectory forced its pilot to disregard the turns and maintain a straight course. After heavily braking the pilots came to a halt under some lamps, providing the lumination we would need to accomplish our next objective.
Poofinson procured the chalk bag and 11 starchasers were set to spread messages of hope. At was at this point that quite unanimously we determined our rebellion would be built on silliness. StarChasers danced freely,with themselves and each other, in lines and in circles, on benches and out of the box. Cadet moonbeam is gifted in calligraphy, and blessed the space with artistical writings; it is a skill that is adored by the whole gang!
After the sharing of snacks and the chalking of backs Admiral Civitron ralllied the troops for a momentous occasion; for the poofiest of cadets was set to be knighted into full pilothood. Poofinson takes a knee,pledging loyalty to the gang. We gather round to view this joyous occasion. Civitron reads the oath aloud,and after deeming the cadet worthy,places his saber atop both shoulders ,officially making Poofinson the newest pilot to the StarChasers Division of SCUL.
In a grand fit of celebration, Poofinson rises and pilots shout and cheer. We continue to dance and converse, but alas it is cold in space and we must set to travel back to base. After packing up and admiring what we have done here tonight, the pilots saddled up in preparation for the flight back home. Pilots readied and once again the order was given “Navi away”.
Many of the transports we passed were very supportive of our mission, waving and honking, instilling in the Starchasers the notion that we make a difference in the community, and that this was another successful mission where joy and positivity is spread throughout the cosmos.
Due to slight inexperience of cadets Our formation loosened as we passed through the octopus; but after some “encouRAGEment” from our tail gunner Bowser the fleet was once again flying tight. We approached union where we would start our speedy descent. Flying at warp speed we coasted towards the fort, turning starboard at the vault where we made our way back to the launch pad.
It was here that yet another important ceremony took place. After we were officially introduced to a dragon that we may or may not get to fly again with, Civitron asked moonbeam to bring her piloted ship to the front. It was a long-forked chopper that seemed to have some paint on it, of a purple-ish color. It was built in an afternoon by Civitron, and it needed to be christened. Cadet Ace provided the Dew of a Mountain, the liquid needed for the ceremony. With its name spoken and its saddle soaked, Admiral Civitron christened the ship “FTL Purple Pain”.
The calming of our cheers served as the closing ceremony for another successful mission. Stars chased,funk busted,hope spread,seriousness rebelled.
…live long and prosper ; )
Pilot Ship Points Promotion
Ace Humongor 0  
Bowser Porphyrios 84.5668  
Civitron Starfire 27.6482  
Legehammer BLUE DANUBE 66.6205  
Mad Owl My F.E.N.Y.S. 98.8636  
Nebula Civilian Ship 13.3241  
Poofinson Rodeo Clown 52.6879   Pilot
Smae Vox Populi 19.1066  
Pilots must be logged in to see the briefing.
Taskforce Pilot
Mission Leader Civitron
Deck Officer Civitron
Emblem Designer Civitron
Tool Bag Legehammer
Flat Bag Ace
Medi Bag Nebula
Ambassador Smae
Chalk Bag Poofinson
Still Cam Ace
Airlock Civitron
Life Support 1 Civitron
Life Support 2 Bowser
Life Support 3 Mad Owl
Life Support 4 Poofinson
Mission Pinner Poofinson
Mission Reporter Ace
Wingmate 01 Civitron
Wingmate 02 Mad Owl
Wingmate 03 Nebula

Mission Parameters

Mission LeaderCivitron
Mission Size 8 pilots
OriginFort Union
DestinationClasky Common
Light Years6.000
G-Well Activity0.324
Technical Rating1.000