Status: Success


Belated Punchy Day

Mission Objectives

  • Have a dance partaayyyy
  • Hoot n Holler n Whistle n Whoop in 3 different tunnels
  • Eat Peaches, Be Free!*

*eat any kind of wicked juicy fruit and just RELISH in its messiness

Mission Summary

“I observe,” someone was heard to say, “that there has been a Punchy day. And it has had a rain delay.” So began the glittery, sparkly, orbital markening. As an extraordinarily reverberant beez called out the countdown, the fleet was graced with a surprise Zeus, bearing not one, but two offspring ready for flight.

The 18 pilots arrayed in rainbow ranks were with the promise of a rawkus danceparty amid the swampiest atmospheric conditions of recent memory. Punchy posited a lack of energy, and humbly requested all and sundry bring EXTRA ya-yas on his behalf. Patent Pending began the display of understanding with a ship forged from the ashes of our past. Punchy summarily decorated the saddle with peach juice, in accordance with the eve’s objectives and Dr Claw was heard to say, “It’s not a proper christening unless your butt is a little sticky.” Indeed!

Lordmcfuzz led the fleet over, under, around and through, wending wither he pleased through quiet night streets to stir funk into the night air. While stopped for signaling, pq delighted a small observer by passing a sticker to her, stuck as she was in a transport. We sought cooler climes, investigating radiation adjacent wormholes. In exiting one such wormhole, Zeus perfectly demonstrated the risks of Spaceflight, as he was spectacularly ejected at altitude. To celebrate his survival, Punchy declared a mini danceparty on the footwork friendly Carleton st pedestrian overpass. All were seen to bust a lil funk for Dr Claw’s groove. Before returning to the friendly skies, Punchy exhorted us to HYDRATE!

We wiggled and squiggled and searched despairingly for breezes, pushing forward into Cambridge and then back across the Longfellow Bridge to pick up the Dudley Wormhole and its many underpass "tunnels". The fleet was finally blessed with cooler climes and smooth sailing. Until! there’s the rub! What we thought was a quick fix turned into a much longer repair session when Zeus discovered Fire's primary thruster was completely flat, and then a hasty first repair led to an even longer re-patching session and multiple subsequent re-swaps of the inner plasma casing. Fifth time’s a charm, they say.

The search for more tunnels to hoot and holler in could not be stopped, so thusly repaired, freshly chalked, and thirsting for juicy fruits, the fleet ventured forwards. With further wiggling and wending, the rest of the wormhole and Harvard business school were traversed with no more excitement. The final and most important objectives had yet to be fulfilled, “Eat peaches, be free!” Punchy did declare. The assembled engaged in radiation therapy from local municipal fixtures, delighted in further stickiness from shared luscious fruits, took turns sampling the new ship, danced, danced, danced their ya-yas away.

The hour grew late, pilots were witnessed to feel a bit punchdrunk, we flew back to home base. But not before Fuzz found one more place to holler! To rainbow ranks again, where Zeus mercilously hazed babymaggot Dusk and welcomed her to our number, and Patent Pending’s new ship was declared space worthy.

In total, 10 tunnels were recorded as being Hollered, Whistled, and Whooped under, and Meownderthal and Zeus received medals of Chic.
Pilot Ship Points Promotion
Cosima Swamp Thing 342.308   Senior Chief Petty Officer
Crater Pale Horse 501.796   Aviator First Class
DrClaw Shockwave 562.333   Commander
Dusk Yer Mom 0  
happenstance Bieber Fever 0  
Kilo3 Ez Raider 275.073  
Leotard Hippogriff 315.56   Aviator First Class
Lordmcfuzz The Traveler 690.459   Rear Admiral, Lower Half
Meownderthal Barbie Schmurda 663.636   Captain
Pastry Queen Scollay Rancher 434.591   Master Chief Petty Officer
Patent Pending GAP Kids 303.061   Chief Petty Officer
Punchy Compliance 901.159   Ensign
Snow Deep Blue Dream 47.9287  
Styx Vibrator 0  
Tango The Lavender Menace 255.591  
Truck Stop Doctor Love 120.761  
Wombat Vespira 283.828   Lieutenant Junior Grade
Zeus Fire 218.223   Aviator
Pilots must be logged in to see the briefing.
Taskforce Pilot
Mission Leader Punchy
Deck Officer Leotard
Gate Attendant Crater
Navigator Lordmcfuzz
Tailgunner Meownderthal
Emblem Designer Punchy
Com-Sat 1 Cosima
Com-Sat 2 Snow
Tool Bag Kilo3
Flat Bag Tango
Medi Bag Patent Pending
Wookiee Bag happenstance
Ambassador Pastry Queen
Chalk Bag Crater
Still Cam Cosima
Airlock DrClaw
Life Support 1 DrClaw
Life Support 2 Leotard
Mission Pinner happenstance
Mission Debriefer Wombat
Mission Reporter Pastry Queen
Stellar Cartographer Kilo3
Cleaner Meownderthal
Life Support Synthesis DrClaw
Wingmate 01 Pastry Queen
Wingmate 02 Zeus

Mission Parameters

Mission LeaderPunchy
Mission Size 18 pilots
OriginFort Antwerp
Light Years13.003
G-Well Activity1.134
Technical Rating2.876