Status: Success


Recon Mission Echo Niner Zero

Mission Objectives

  • Get as many photos or a sample of as many scavenger hunt items in three hours.
  • Set a collision course for Luna 7-11 for what you Earthlings called 'hot nachos', as well as the starship hyperfuel of choice.

Mission Summary

TOP SEKRET TOP SEKRET! Data must be gathered for the future!

A confidential list was submitted to assembled pilots, for evidentiary review. Our Starmada Overlords questioned the existence and validity of various substances and demanded proof! In exchange for documenting the existence of the following, pilots were issued earth credits, your so-called points, upon receipt of photos or physical remains.
Only these items were collected, the remainder of the list has been lost to time:
*bee (partial credit for Skunk's tattoo) 1 pt.
*berries (half credit for being unripe) 5
*bell (not a bicycle bell) 15
*bird 5
*clouds 3
*dancer 10
*dandelion 5
*feather 10
*flower 10
*grackle 20
*jogger 30
*moon 5
*moss 10
*pothole (~4 sq.ft.) 10/sqft
*puddle 2
*rabbit 10
*rainbow (half credit for sorta-kinda-maybe appearing under the sprinklers) 25
*seeds 20
*sidewalk chalk 20
*spider web 25
*sprinkler 10
*sprout 20
*squirrel 15
*tribble 20
*umbrella 15
*[sand]worm 25

All pilots received a baseline of 373 bonus points for the collective documentations, with individual pilots receiving additional points for their individual discoveries and contributions.

Due to the complex nature of this search, pilots assembled early under the still-glowing rays of the daystar. Gamely, they digested the lists given them by the Admiral, and sandwiched between veteran navigator Lordmcfuzz and apprentice tailgunner Happenstance, all and sundry called out the items they could already spot from the launchpad. (It's the pothole. Have you seen that thing? It has it's own gravitational pull!)

Under the setting sun, the fleet followed a winding path with frequent stops for specimen collection, calling Dr Claw to gamely photograph contributions or stowing them for the remainder of flight. At Luna 7-11 in the Central Constellation our mission objectives were in jeopardy, as the cheez-wiz machine was all out, preventing Skunk from indulging in his requisite "hot nachos". However, particularly good evidence was captured of an enthusiastic dancer. Even better- a klingon. Not just any klingon, but one who had heard the lore of Scul, and the Call of the HARV. As the moon rose, the flight path wove through MIT, where we bore witness to brave Name-As-Yet-To-Be-Determined's collection of choppers. A cargo HARV, reminiscent of long ago Truxy (with rake leaving..... some things to be desired) called out to the Admiral, who requested and was granted a test ride in its bed. He left this and his civvy behind, and caught the breeze on high for the remainder of the mission.

Seeking success, the fleet rode on to pay homage to our fair and long neglected Grackle. The assembled even made sure its name was prominent once more. It was here in this storied location, that Tango, with assistance from Meownderthal bravely scaled and conquered Bieber Fever. For this, she was awarded a medal of Valour. The ecstatic grin on her face when she succeeded was priceless.

Alas, the hour grew late, the list grew short, and remaining specimens were scarce. In order to complete all stated objectives, one more stop arose- another Luna 7-11. This one provided Skunk the necessary orange delight, as well as many amused and interactive locals. They too wanted to know how to bust the funk. Given the fulfillment of this final objective though, the fleet departed as ships in the night. Quiet skies provided room for high altitude acrobatics, many brave stunts were performed to the awe and delight of this night's large number of cadets. At the launch pad, Starmada Command declared pleasure at our contributions, and Pastry Queen was awarded a medal of chic for their fabulous pink flamingo floatie.

Many Thanks to Tango, Meownderthal, Wombat and Skunk for tallying collective and individual contributions, and logging them for posterity.
Pilot Ship Points Promotion
Crater Pale Horse 0  
DrClaw Skywarp 434.945   Lieutenant
eXceSs Chutes & Ladders 666.248   Chief Petty Officer
Granite D.B. Cooper 0  
happenstance Bieber Fever 0  
Lordmcfuzz The Traveler 1167.31   Commodore
Meownderthal Barbie Schmurda 833.058   Lieutenant Commander
Millennium Saint Christopher 0  
Pastry Queen Princess Fun Police 894.207   Senior Chief Petty Officer
Skunk Syntax Error 1265.46   Vice Admiral
Tango Darkendank 636.463   Aviator First Class
Wombat Catastrophe 762.007   Master Chief Petty Officer
Pilots must be logged in to see the briefing.
Taskforce Pilot
Mission Leader Skunk
Deck Officer Lordmcfuzz
Gate Attendant Tango
Navigator Lordmcfuzz
Tailgunner happenstance
Emblem Designer Skunk
Com-Sat 1 Pastry Queen
Tool Bag Meownderthal
Flat Bag Pastry Queen
Medi Bag Millennium
Wookiee Bag Granite
Ambassador eXceSs
Chalk Bag Crater
Still Cam DrClaw
Airlock DrClaw
Life Support 1 Skunk
Life Support 2 eXceSs
Mission Pinner Crater
Mission Debriefer Wombat
Mission Reporter Pastry Queen
Stellar Cartographer Lordmcfuzz
Cleaner Meownderthal
Wingmate 01 eXceSs
Wingmate 02 Meownderthal
Wingmate 03 DrClaw
Wingmate 04 Pastry Queen

Mission Parameters

Mission LeaderSkunk
Mission Size 12 pilots
OriginFort Antwerp
Destinationdaystar and moonmoon
Light Years13.000
G-Well Activity0.614
Technical Rating1.228