Status: Success


Founder's Day '24

Mission Objectives

  • Fly casual to the somewhat distant Maynard System
  • Wear something to make you feel super comfy, with the weather forecast in mind.
  • Share and enjoy fancy treats.
  • Engage in two or more spa-type activities, such as cucumber slices on the eyes, manicures, pedicures, or mud masks.
  • Follow whatever guidelines given for Hot Radiation Therapy by our gracious hosts.
  • Leave Waltor and Diva's fort in better shape than if we hadn't visited.
  • Blast off at about 2000 for Starfortress Antwerp.
Do your absolute best to launch on time out of respect for the gang: give yourself the time you need to be 100% ready before the klaxon sounds.
—recommended time to arrive at the fort is t-minus one hour.—

Mission Summary

Prep for this epic mission got off to a rocky start. The eve before launch the Admiral noticed some serious issues with Syntax Error's sonic disruption. Pywaket was called in for emergency assistance and by 4:30 in the morning the two had diagnosed the problem, resolved it, and gave the ship a test flight. The Admiral got a four hour nap then flew the ship to the fort for launch. Hades of the Junkers was on the scene but due to retro issues on AssEnd was unable to make the mission.

The crew launched 10 pilots strong for the Maynard System. Zeus left his offspring and the rest of the crew for a short trip back to the fort for forgotten transport keys. Once he rejoined the crew, we headed down a long stretch of wormhole with perfect weather and pleasant groove. After arriving in the Waltham System, Dusk discovered a slow leak in Yer Mom's plasma casing, so we stopped to add more air then continued on our way. With moderate fall temperatures and the brilliant daystar toasting our sunblock-coated skin, we hadn't a care in the world as we cruised through the Waltham System MCRT to the railroad corridor. Unfortunately a segment was blocked off by a very unfriendly locked fence. After Dr. Claw circumvented the obstacle by bushwhacking his ship through a steep hill of brush on the left side of the fence, he was able to scout ahead and ensure the crew could make safe passage across a long dirt path, where he found Diva waiting to intercept before traveling back to the rest of the gang.

The crew pushed ships up the steep hill but not before liberating a large quantity of silky milkweed seeds. When we encountered a second blockade, we were forced to lift ships over the three-foot-high wooden railings adjacent to a treacherous ravine and onto the pavement. It was at this time that we realized Yer Mom had another more complete plasma discharge. Full plasma casing replacement was completed by a number of pilots but no sooner than Wombat had repaired the new plasma casing it was discovered that his ship Trinity also had a flat. It was a long pit stop in direct solar radiation, but we made the best of it and met a bunch of friendly civis in the process.

Glorious flight was had through the tree-covered lands and falling leaves of Sudbury and across the Admiral's favorite Water Row. After a short stop for cockpit adjustments and gear redistribution, the crew forged onwards, but it soon became apparent that Fire was too much for Zeus to bear across this long journey. Zeus and Styx were dropped off at a local sportsball field for Waltor to shuttle to the final destination via transport despite his broken rib and additional injuries from a past incident. Excess joined us via motorcycle and met us all back at the recuperation lounge. The rest of the crew headed to the nearby Market Basket for vittles and happily arrived at Waltor and Diva's fort for ooltimate relaxation.

We feasted upon subs, salmon burgers, fries, pizza, candy, vegan garlic spread over hot bread, chocolate, grapes, and more. When our bellies were full, some pilots settled into the hot radiation therapy recuperation tank while others soaked feet in lavender salts or warmed themselves by the fire. Beverages and treats were distributed to soaking pilots and Waltor read Dr. Seuss bedtime stories in French.

When we had fully recuperated we mounted our ships and headed into the darkness for our return trip to the fort. Lordmcfuzz had to burn up in order to prepare for Honk the next day so Tango stepped up to take on tailgunner duties for the second half of the mission.

The ride back was a bit of a blur. We soared through deep fog which broke out into clear, star-filled skies. We spotted a coyote, a barn owl dive-bombed the Admiral, fuel was dropped in a random wooded area, and before we knew it we were home. The time was 2:30 a.m.

Medal of Strength to Tango for her longest ride on a chopper ever.
Medal of Patronage to Diva and Waltor for hosting.
Medal of Strength to Skunk for staying up until 5 a.m. before the mission to fix Syntax Error's sonic disruption then flying to the fort in the morning when his transport had a flat.
Pilot Ship Points Promotion
Diva Incineraider 664.235   Captain
DrClaw Skywarp 1447.12  
Dusk Yer Mom 0  
eXceSs Transport 12.0851  
Lordmcfuzz The Traveler 1398.33  
Patent Pending GAP Kids 650.807   Commander
Red Squirrel Sugar Glider 928.093   Petty Officer First Class
Skunk Syntax Error 1480.17  
Styx Vibrator 0  
Tango War 388.054   Commander
Truck Stop Doctor Love 355.197  
Wombat Trinity 915.212  
Zeus Fire 728.755   Petty Officer Second Class
Pilots must be logged in to see the briefing.
Taskforce Pilot
Mission Leader Skunk
Deck Officer Lordmcfuzz
Gate Attendant Lordmcfuzz
Navigator DrClaw
Tailgunner Lordmcfuzz
Emblem Designer Skunk
Com-Sat 1 Truck Stop
Tool Bag Patent Pending
Flat Bag Wombat
Medi Bag Red Squirrel
Wookiee Bag DrClaw
Ambassador Truck Stop
Chalk Bag Skunk
Still Cam Lordmcfuzz
Airlock DrClaw
Life Support 1 Skunk
Mission Pinner Red Squirrel
Mission Debriefer Wombat
Mission Reporter Red Squirrel
Stellar Cartographer DrClaw
Cleaner Red Squirrel
Wingmate 01 Zeus
Wingmate 02 Skunk
Wingmate 03 Red Squirrel

Mission Parameters

Mission LeaderSkunk
Mission Size 13 pilots
OriginFort Antwerp
Destinationooltimate relaxation
Light Years45.200
G-Well Activity1.728
Technical Rating1.208